Aims and Objectives definition
Examples of Aims and Objectives in a sentence
The Council will appoint 2 Policy Committees whose terms of reference will between them reflect the Council's Aims and Objectives and the Council's Community Leadership role.
The Programme Aims and Objectives are clear and consistent with the Award sought.
The monitoring, reporting and performance management of all performance indicator information contributes to the Council’s overall drive for improvement and links directly into the Council’s Aims and Objectives, ‘Putting Enfield First’.
However, the paper has been written to reflect the strategic intent of Partners, with the Vision, Aims and Objectives for Integration across North Wales being ones which will be actioned regardless of future organisational structures.The need to take a more robust and immediate approach to the Integration of Services for Older People, has been clearly disseminated by the Minister and Deputy Minister for Health and Social Services.
Academic HonestyA major commitment of the University is “to the intellectual development of the student” (St.Lawrence University Aims and Objectives) which can be achieved only by strict adherence to standards of honesty.