Examples of Air brake system in a sentence
However this valve is not within the scope of supply of the vendor of Microprocessor Controlled Air brake system.
Air brake system shall incorporate the following components: a) Air compressor – Air compressor to have sufficient capacity, including safety margin to operate air brake system.
The wagon shall be equipped with Bogie, Coupler, Draft gear, Air brake system, Air Fluidizing discharge system, and various valves .
Steve is going to gather more information so we can put together a two-year review plan.
Air brake system must be fully in compliance with the B.C. Motor Vehicle Safety Act and B.C. Commercial Vehicle Act.
X(nA + nm) nAnm= c−2naM −∂r2= c∂naM−2nAm −X(na + nM )nanM∂r2= c∂nam2nAM −X(na + nm)nanm nAn n na M mwhere c = (nAM nam−nAmnaM ) , X = (nAM nam − nAmnaM ).··Suppose that nAh = nah.
No No Allowed (Mandatory) 1.1Defination of Similar Work :- I.Fitment of Air brake system on Rolling stock of IR.
The staff of the Contractor assigned to the area has not performed the duties as required by the Contract.
In the Air brake system compressed air is used for operating the brake system.
In the air brake system, a lot of developments have taken place such as bogie mounted Air brake system, Twin pipe air brake system, Automatic load sensing device etc,.