Airline Guides definition
Examples of Airline Guides in a sentence
A common private industry source of these industry designator codes is the Official Airline Guides (OAG).
Such changes shall be evidenced by United’s publishing such changes in the Airline Guides, CRSs or Reservations Systems.
In the event of such discontinuation or removal, the Party so discontinuing or removing, as applicable, shall notify the other Party as soon as reasonably possible and such other Party shall cooperate in publishing the resulting changes to affected Codeshared Flights in the Airline Guides, CRSs, Reservations Systems, and other sources of airline schedule information.
When an alleged infringer knowingly adopts a mark identical or similar to another’s mark, “courts will presume an intent to deceive the public.” Official Airline Guides, Inc.
Any costs incurred for the publication of Marketing Flights or connections to and from such flights in Airline Guides, CRSs, Reservation Systems and other sources of airline schedule information shall be borne by United.
A common pri- vate industry source of these industry designator codes is the Official Airline Guides (OAG).
Each air carrier, foreign air carrier, or ticket agent providing flight itineraries and/or schedules for sched- uled passenger air transportation to the public in the United States and to the Official Airline Guides and com- parable publications, and, where appli- cable, computer reservation systems, shall ensure that each flight on which the designator code is not that of the operating carrier is clearly and promi- nently identified and contains the fol- lowing disclosures.
Id. A court must consider the “sight, sound,24and meaning” of each mark, they “‘must be considered in their entirety and as they appear25in the marketplace,’” and “similarities [are] weighed more heavily than differences.” Id.26(quoting Official Airline Guides, Inc.
Any costs incurred for the publication of Marketing Flights or connections to and from such flights in the Airline Guides, CRSs and Reservations Systems will be borne by the party whose Code is displayed on such published flight.
Each air carrier, foreign air carrier, or ticket agent providing flight itineraries and/or schedules for scheduled passenger air transportation to the public in the United States and to the Official Airline Guides and comparable publications, and, where applicable, computer reservation systems, shall ensure that each flight on which the designator code is not that of the operating carrier is clearly and prominently identified and contains the following disclosures.