Examples of Alamo Colleges District in a sentence
The Alamo Colleges District Policy and Procedure on Civil Rights applies to students and employees and prohibits discrimination, harassment, and retaliation in violation of several statutes, including but not limited to Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
ALAMOBooks+ is a Course Material rental program adopted by the Alamo Colleges District.
School Districts are responsible for payment and will be invoiced by the Alamo Colleges District Business Office.
Staff from the Colleges and the Alamo Colleges District will deliver the sessions and will work with the School District to identify the times for the sessions.
To ensure compliance with the Civil Rights Policy and Procedure on Civil Rights Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation, the Alamo Colleges District has designated a Title IX/VII/ADA/504 Coordinator to coordinate the investigation and resolution of District-wide complaints of alleged civil rights violations.
If required, general disclosures are made, among releasable data is “directory information,” defined by Alamo Colleges District for unrestricted “general” release as: student’s name, dates of attendance, major, classification, enrollment status (full-time or part-time), previous institution(s) attended, degree(s) awarded, academic honors/awards.
The Alamo Colleges District does not tolerate discrimination, harassment, or retaliation on the basis of any protected criteria, including gender, race, or disability.
The Alamo Colleges District board policy F.4.5 states that Students who violate federal or state statutes, the Student Code of Conduct, Alamo Colleges District policy, or other applicable requirements related to alcohol and drug use shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
Students are required to adhere to School District and College policies, procedures, and regulations regarding facilities and equipment usage and both School District and College codes of student conduct as well as the Alamo Colleges District Student Responsibility for Success Policy.
All Students will be provided access to the Alamo Colleges District eCatalog, Student Code of Conduct, Student Handbook, and Title IX / Clery Act materials in the same manner as all other students enrolled in the College.