Xxxxx XX definition

Xxxxx XX. The segregated pool of assets consisting of all of the REMIC I Regular Interests conveyed in trust to the Trustee, for the benefit of the Holders of the REMIC II Regular Interests and the Holders of the Class R (as holders of the Class R-II Interest), pursuant to Article II hereunder, and all amounts deposited therein, with respect to which a separate REMIC election is to be made.
Xxxxx XX. The segregated pool of assets described in the Preliminary Statement and Section 5.07(a).
Xxxxx XX means Texas Xxxxx, XX, a Texas limited partnership and a wholly owned direct Subsidiary of Genco.

Examples of Xxxxx XX in a sentence

  • Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, President AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE 0000 XXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXX XXXXX, XX 00000 Notice to Owner PH : (716) 731−6671 Fax: (716) 719−2117 Right to Stop Work: If any payment under this agreement is not made when due, the contractor may suspend work on the job until such time as all payments due have been made.

  • Xxxxxxx Title: President and Secretary NOBLE DRILLING (U.S.) LLC, as Guarantor By: Noble NDUS UK Ltd, its member By: /s/ Xxxxx Xxxxx Name: Xxxxx Xxxxx Title: Director XXXXX XX LLC, as Guarantor By: Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Limited, its member By: /s/ Xxxx X.

  • Assinado por Xxxxx Vanusa do Xxxxxxx xx Xxxxx Xxxxx - Locatária e - Locador XXXXX XXXXX XX XXXXX.

  • Contract n° PSA-PAGnumber XXXXX XX: Terms of reference Background/context  Since 1996, the Pacific Community (SPC) has been publishing the SPC Women in Fisheries Information Bulletin.

  • Any proposed PECOS-BARSTOW-TOYAH ISD | 0000 X XXXX XX XXXXX, XX 00000 | (000) 000-0000 changes to the fee amount will be communicated to the other parties in writing.

More Definitions of Xxxxx XX

Xxxxx XX means Cogen South LLC, a Delaware limited liability company.
Xxxxx XX. List of provisions of the Schengen acquis as integrated into the framework of the European Union and the acts building upon it or otherwise related to it, to be binding on and applicable in the new Member States as from accession (referred to in Article 4(1) of the Act of Accession)...................................................... Xxxxx XXX: List referred to in Article 19 of the Act of Accession: adaptations to acts adopted by the institutions ...........................................................................................................
Xxxxx XX. Specific commitments undertaken, and requirements accepted, by Romania at the conclusion of the accession negotiations on 14 December 2004 (referred to in Article 39 of the Act of Accession) ...............................................................................
Xxxxx XX. Xxt applicable Answerback: Not applicable Facsimile No: 612 8256 1422 Telephone No: 612 9229 9000
Xxxxx XX. The parties agree that Section 6 of the DPA describes the technical and organizational measures applicable to the transfer. • Xxxxx XXX: The parties agree that Schedule 1 describes the relevant Subprocessors and their roles in processing Personal Data.
Xxxxx XX. The pool of assets consisting of the REMIC I Regular Interests and all payments of principal or interest on or with respect to the REMIC I Regular Interests after the Cut-Off Date.
Xxxxx XX has the meaning as set forth in the opening paragraph of this Agreement.