Alberta Fire Code definition
Examples of Alberta Fire Code in a sentence
Permanent fire extinguishers shall be provided by the Tenant and installed to conform to building codes.Tenants will be responsible for ensuring any Tenant installed fire alarm systems (generally within computer/server rooms) are tied into the Base Building fire alarm system and are tested annually, per the Alberta Fire Code.
Hazardous Materials including hazardous waste shall be managed in accordance with applicable regulations such as the Alberta Fire Code, Waste Control Regulation, Transportation of Dangerous Goods Legislation and Best Management Practices.
The purpose of a fire drill is to ensure that the occupants and staff are totally familiar with emergency evacuation procedures, resulting in orderly evacuation with efficient use of exit facilities, as required by the Alberta Fire Code.
The Alberta Fire Code (1997), made pursuant to Section 61 of the Safety Codes Act, is a provincial regulation.
Fuel dispensing tanks on site must meet the requirements of the Alberta Fire Code.
By spot-checking several applications where dynamic symbolic execution (even with Veritesting) failed to find vulnerabilities, we have concluded that this is due to an increase in analysis complexity, exponentially proportional to the length of the path.Specifically, given a path A, there is a chance pa that A will split at the end of the next conditional jump, and A1 will follow the path that takes the jump, while A2 will follow the path that does not.
All fuel storage sites will be constructed in a manner that follows the Guidelines for Secondary Containment for Above Ground Storage Tanks, Alberta Environmental Protection, May, 1997 and comply with Part 4 of the Alberta Fire Code.
A key difference between classical and quan- tum correlations is the way they can be shared among various parts of a multiparty quantum system.
All schools within CESD must comply with the Alberta Fire Code (1997), Section 2.8.2. A copy of the Fire Safety Plan placed in a red folder is to be kept in the Principal’s Office in each school, and the general office area of all other facilities within CESD.
All code requirements are referenced from the Alberta Fire Code 2006 edition.