Fire Code Sample Clauses
Fire Code. Litchfield Park shall adopt the fire code and such local amendments and fee schedules as are consistent with those adopted by Goodyear. Litchfield Park shall notify Goodyear when it requires fire code plan review and inspections and shall pay for such services as stated in the Cooperative Field Inspection/Plan Review Rate Agreement through the Mutual Assistance Intergovernmental Agreement (City of Litchfield Park, Resolution 09-298 and City of Goodyear, Resolution 10-1362). Should the Cooperative Field Inspection/Plan Review Rate Agreement expire or otherwise be terminated, Litchfield Park agrees to pay for plan review and inspections at Goodyear’s standard adopted rate structure. Nothing in this paragraph shall prohibit Litchfield Park from performing its own fire code plan review.
Fire Code. Tenant will comply with all applicable fire and building codes in the construction of Tenant's Work and in Tenant's use of the Demised Premises. If, because of the nature of Tenant's operations, the Landlord is required by the fire codes to make modifications or additions to the fire protection or smoke detection system, fire walls, exits, fire escapes or any other fire prevention system, then Tenant agrees to pay for any such modification or addition as additional rent, payable in full upon completion of such modifications and/or additions.
Fire Code. Stage Troupe is responsible for enforcing fire code to the best of the training, ability, and common-sense. Although the following list is not comprehensive, it is the minimal standard for compliance: • Smoking is prohibited everywhere the theater, as are smoke like effects including fog (dry ice and chemical are both prohibited) and haze. • There will be no open flames, such as lighters, matches, candles or torches. • Any items placed in public spaces (where the audience or guests can reasonably come in contact with them such as the house and the lobby) must meet Boston Fire Department (BFD) standards for flame retardant materials in public spaces, such as CAL-133 which applies to upholstered furniture. • Items on stage must meet the industry standards for fire retardant. This requires documented and BFD tested treatment of all fabrics including but not limited to theatrical curtains and blacks, fabrics on the set, and upholstery. All wood used in set construction must be back painted with treated paint. All treatments must be documented and kept on file in a method determined by the Technical Advisor and approved by the Student Group Advisor. • To prevent possible problems with smoke detectors, work the produces dust such as saw dust, or aerosols, such as spray paint, should be reduced to a minimum. Construction should be done in the construction space and brought to the theater for final assembly only. • Only a minimal amount of flammable liquids may be brought into the theater space at any time, generally less than one quart but varying heavily based on composition. Discuss these needs with the group advisor. Flammable substances must be properly stored. • The emergency exit corridor that runs alongside the theater must be kept clear at all times. No objects should be left unattended that in any manner obstruct this corridor. • The maximum capacity of the theater is 103 audience members. There are 101 fixed seats and two spaces at the front reserved for handicap usage. No one may not sit or stand in the aisles during performances (excluding performers temporarily located there as part of the production). • The maximum capacity of the booth is 4 persons. For safety, the booth should be restricted to key personnel required for the operation of the lighting and sound equipment. • The maximum capacity of the theater complex (backstage, audience, and shop) is 175. This limit cannot be exceeded at any time for any reason. • Exit signs must remain lit and in ...
Fire Code. Tenant shall at all times ensure that all activities, installations, uses, facilities, operations and conduct is fully compliant with all applicable fire codes and any and all directives or requirements of the fire marshal for Santa Xxxxx County.
Fire Code. The Authority shall have the power and authority to adopt and/or modify the Fire Code within its jurisdiction and boundaries, subject to approval by the BOCC, the City Council of the City of Glenwood Springs ("City Council"), or the governing body of any other municipality lying within the Authority's jurisdiction and boundaries ("Other Municipality"), as appropriate. For that area lying within the City's boundaries, the City may propose modifications to the Fire Code then in effect, or adoption of a new edition of the Fire Code, upon 60 days prior written notice to the Authority. The Authority and the City shall engage in good faith efforts to resolve any concerns they may have regarding modifying the Fire Code then in effect or adopting a new edition of the Fire Code. The City Council shall have the final authority to approve or reject any proposal to modify the Fire Code then in effect, or to adopt a new edition of the Fire Code, for use within the City's boundaries. If the City Council approves a proposal to modify the Fire Code then in effect or to adopt a new edition of the Fire Code, such approval shall be set forth in an Ordinance that details the modification(s) to the Fire Code then in effect or the adoption of a new edition of the Fire Code and any amendments thereto. The City shall promptly provide a copy of the approved Ordinance to the Authority. The Board shall adopt a Resolution approving the City Ordinance as soon thereafter as reasonably practicable. Thereafter, the Authority may, in its discretion, determine whether to seek to modify the Fire Code then in effect, or to adopt a new edition of the Fire Code, for use within that area lying within the County and/or Other Municipality(ies), so as to establish a single uniform Fire Code throughout its entire jurisdiction, subject to approval by BOCC and/or Other Municipality(ies), as appropriate.
Fire Code. The Landlord represents that, without reference to --------- Tenant's use or Tenant's Work, the Demised Premises is in conformance with applicable fire codes or will be in conformance with applicable fire codes on the date that Tenant takes occupancy. Tenant will comply with all applicable fire and building codes in the construction of Tenant's Work and in Tenant's use of the Demised Premises. If, because of the nature of Tenant's operations, the Landlord is required by the fire codes to make modifications or additions to the fire protection or smoke detection system, fire walls, exits, fire escapes or any other fire prevention system, then Tenant agrees to pay for any such modification or addition as additional rent, payable in full upon completion of such modifications and/or additions.
Fire Code. The CITY shall amend the Natural Overlay Control District (Municipal Code Section 17.40,040 et seq.) to ensure that before the issuance of any clearing or grubbing permits that all proposed actions conform to the provisions of this Natural Community Conservation Plan. At no time, however, shall the provisions of this plan take precedence over the concerns of the public health, safety and welfare as determined by the Fire Xxxxxxxx in consultation with the Wildlife Agencies. The CITY shall consult with the Fire Xxxxxxxx to ensure that proposed fuel zone widths are adequate. Site Plan Review Process. The CITY shall amend the Site Plan Review Process (Municipal Code Section 17.70.010 et seq.) to ensure that the provisions of this Natural Community Conservation Plan are incorporated in to the Site Plan Review evaluation process. Coastal Permits. The CITY shall amend the Coastal Permit Process (Municipal Code Section 17.72.010 et seq.) to ensure that the provisions of this Natural Community Conservation Plan are incorporated into the evaluation process before the issuance of any coastal permits. 17.02.020 and 17.02.05? et seq.) shall be subject to enhanced California Environmental Quality Act. (CEQA) (Ord. 361 §5, 2000) review to comply with applicable provisions of this Plan. • Identify all Reserve lands and their attendant land-use restrictions; and • Incorporate this Subarea Plan as part of the General Plan.
Fire Code. No open flames may be used at any time (e.g. cigarette smoking, candles, smoke / fog effects, etc.). Pyrotechnics (e.g. sparklers, flash powders) are strictly forbidden.
Fire Code. Fire codes are strictly enforced. Fire doors must remain closed when not in use. Fire doors include both interior kitchen doors, and the large door to back room from hallway.
Fire Code. Access for fire trucks is required, particularly for any new or existing structures, which means at least a 20-foot fire lane that must be kept clear of merchandise, vehicles and other obstructions in case of an emergency. Fire extinguishers may also be required for expanded use areas.