Allowable definition

Allowable means those costs that are reasonable and allocable, and that conform to any limitations set forth in the approved proposal.
Allowable means the costs are reasonable and allocable, and conform to any limitations set forth in the award.
Allowable means the costs are reasonable and allocable, and conform to any limitations set forth in the Agreement.

Examples of Allowable in a sentence

  • This Grant Agreement is subject to all applicable requirements of TxGMS, including the criteria for Allowable Costs.

  • Allowable Costs are restricted to costs that are authorized under Texas Uniform Grant Management Standards (TxGMS) and applicable state and federal rules and laws.

  • Allowable Costs are restricted to costs that comply with the Texas Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS) and applicable state and federal rules and law.

  • The Parties agree that all the requirements of the UGMS apply to this Contract, including the criteria for Allowable Costs.

  • The Members acknowledge that the purpose of this Agreement is to enable the 5 Sector and its Members, subject to this Agreement, and consistent with the Articles of 6 Incorporation and the Bylaws of the Sector, to harvest an annual percentage of the Plan 7 Total Allowable Catch (“TAC”) pursuant to the Sector Allocation procedures of 50 CFR 8 section 648.87(a) et seq., as amended from time to time.

More Definitions of Allowable

Allowable means that a cost meets the criteria (factors affecting allowability of costs) outlined in Uniform Administrative Requirements 2 CFR 200.403 unless otherwise authorized by statute.
Allowable means the costs are reasonable and allocable and conform to any limitations set forth in this Agreement.
Allowable in this policy, means a cost incurred that is reasonable, allocable, consistent, and conforms to any limitations or exclusions of the sponsor.
Allowable means those costs that are reasonable and allocable, and that conform to any limitations set forth in this grant.
Allowable means those costs that are reasonable and allocable, and that conform to any limitations set forth in the approved CRP proposal. The existing CGIAR Cost Allocation Guidelines (No. 5), which clarify overhead costs that may be considered allowable, apply as part of this Joint Agreement unless and until replaced by the relevant section expected to form part of a chapter of the Common Operational Framework upon approvals by the Fund Council and the Consortium.
Allowable means the amount of oil or gas authorized to be produced by order of the commission.
Allowable means the calculated amount for payment, after exclusion of any "nonallowed service or charge," based on the applicable payment method before final adjustments, deductions, and add-ons.