Examples of Allowed in a sentence
Allowed the opportunity to discuss with the MRO any medical conditions, prescription medication that the individual is currently taking or has recently taken or any other relevant information to explain the non- negative test result.
The net instantaneous MW output from the Facility may not exceed the Allowed Capacity.
Allowed the opportunity to request, in writing, from the MRO a retest of the original sample from a SAMHSA certified laboratory of the individual’s choice.
All prices unless otherwise specified are F.O.B. Destination, Freight Prepaid and Allowed.
In addition, Seller shall submit to Company a written schedule of maintenance outages which will reduce the capacity of the Facility by [Drafting Note: the lower of one (1) MW or 25% of the Allowed Capacity] or more for the next two-year period, beginning with January of the following year, in writing to Company each year by June 30.