Alternative form of regulation definition

Alternative form of regulation means a form of regulation of
Alternative form of regulation means a method of utility rate regulation pursuant to RSA 374:3-a other than methods which are based upon cost of service, rate base and rate of return.
Alternative form of regulation means a form of regulation of telecommunications services other than traditional rate base, rate of return regulation to be determined by the board and may include, but not be limited to, the use of an index, formula, price caps, or zone of rate freedom.

More Definitions of Alternative form of regulation

Alternative form of regulation means a method of establishing just and reasonable charges, rates, tolls and tariffs by performance-based regu- lation, including earnings sharing, price caps, price indexing formulas, ranges of authorized rates of return, and the increase, reduction or suspension of regu-
Alternative form of regulation means a method of establishing just and reasonable rates, tolls, charges and tariffs by performance-based regulation, including earnings sharing, price caps, price indexing formulas, ranges of authorized rates of return and the increase, reduction or suspension of regulatory requirements, with- out regard to methods based strictly upon cost of service, rate base and rate of return;

Related to Alternative form of regulation

  • Form of Agreement means the form of agreement contained in Part D of the RFP;

  • Terms of Reference (TORs) means the Terms of Reference that explains the objectives, scope of work, activities, and tasks to be performed, respective responsibilities of the Procuring Entity and the Consultant, and expected results and deliverables of the assignment.

  • Terms of Reference (TOR) means the document included in the RFP as Section 5 which explains the objectives, scope of work, activities, tasks to be performed, respective responsibilities of the Client and the Consultant, and expected results and deliverables of the Assignment/job.

  • Form of Note means the “Form of Note” attached hereto as Exhibit A.

  • Form of Contract means the document comprising Section 1 of the Contract signed by or on behalf of the Parties confirming their willingness to enter into and be bound by the terms of the Contract.

  • Solar alternative compliance payment or "SACP" means a

  • Certificate of approval means a certificate of approval obtained from the

  • Terms of Reference (TOR) means the document included in the RFP as Section 5 which explains the objectives, scope of work, activities, tasks to be performed, respective responsibilities of the Client and the Consultant, and expected results and deliverables of the assignment.

  • Form of Acceptance means the Form of formal acceptance, signed by the Procuring Entity, of the Form of Tender, including any annexed memoranda comprising agreements between and signed by both Parties. If there is no such Form of acceptance, the expression “Form of Acceptance” means the Contract Agreement and the date of issuing or receiving the Form of Acceptance means the date of signing the Contract Agreement.

  • certificate of registration means registration with the CPSBC that allows the Participant to practice medicine in British Columbia, other than the certificate of registration which allowed the Participant to enrol in Postgraduate Medical Education;

  • Uniform application means the current version of the national association of insurance commissioners uniform application for resident and nonresident insurance producer licensing.

  • Form of Notice of Conversion means the “Form of Notice of Conversion” attached as Attachment 1 to the Form of Note attached hereto as Exhibit A.

  • Standard reference compendia means the American Medical Association Drug Evaluations, the