Separate Terms definition
Separate Terms refers to separate license terms that are specified in the Program Documentation, Service Specifications, readme or notice files and that apply to Separately Licensed Third Party Technology.
Separate Terms has the meaning given to that term in Section “Separate Licenses”.
Separate Terms refers to separate license terms that are specified in the Order, readme or notice files, or otherwise specified by ORock and that apply to Separately Licensed Third-Party Technology. “Separately Licensed Third-Party Technology” refers to third party technology that is licensed under Separate Terms and not under the terms of this Agreement, and which may include, without limitation, open source Software. Customer Hardware may be Separately Licensed Third-Party Technology.
Examples of Separate Terms in a sentence
You are responsible for complying with the Separate Terms specified by Oracle that govern Your use of Separately Licensed Third Party Technology.
Your right to use such Ancillary Programs will terminate upon the earlier of Oracle’s notice (which may be through posting on xxxxx:// or such other URL designated by Oracle), the end of the Cloud Services associated with the Ancillary Programs, or the date on which the license to use the Ancillary Programs ends under the Separate Terms specified for such programs.
More Definitions of Separate Terms
Separate Terms means separate license terms between Customer and a third-party licensor that apply to Separately Licensed Third-Party Technology.
Separate Terms has the meaning given in clause 2.12.
Separate Terms refers to separate license terms that are specified in the Software Documentation, readmes or notice files and that apply to Separately Licensed Third Party Technology. 1.1(b) “Separately Licensed Third Party Technology” refers to third party technology that is licensed under Separate Terms and not under the terms of the Customer Agreement. ANEXO SW – SOFTWARE ANEXO DO SOFTWARE (Este Anexo do software deve ser anexado aos Termos Gerais.) O presente Anexo do Software (este “Anexo do Software”) é um Anexo aos Termos Gerais do Acordo do Cliente e todos esses termos se aplicam ao Software solicitado por um Cliente sob um Documento de Pedido deste Anexo do Software. O presente Anexo do Software, juntamente com os Termos Gerais, será automaticamente rescindido caso o Acordo do Cliente seja rescindido; desde que, no entanto, a rescisão de um Documento de Pedido não altere ou modifique qualquer um dos termos, disposições, direitos ou obrigações sob qualquer outro Documento de Pedido para este Anexo do Software e tais outros Documentos de Pedido permanecerão em pleno vigor e efeito de acordo com os seus termos. Cada referência a um Documento de Pedido significará o Documento de Pedido aplicável. A Samsung SDS e o Cliente podem, de tempos em tempos, celebrar Documentos de Pedido adicionais sob este Anexo do Software, e cada Documento de Pedido adicional deve ser numerado sequencialmente (por exemplo, Documento de Pedido A-2, A-3, A-4, etc.) Todos os Documentos de Pedido devem ser assinados pelos representantes autorizados de ambas as partes para tornarem-se eficazes. Nenhum Documento de Pedido subsequente a qualquer Documento de Pedido anterior afetará qualquer Documento de Pedido anterior, a menos que expressamente declarado ao contrário em tal Documento de Pedido subsequente.
Separate Terms means separate license terms that are specified in the program documentation, service specifications, readme or notice files, and that apply to separately licensed third party technology. The term "separately licensed third party technology" means third party technology that is licensed under separate terms and not under the terms of this addendum. The term "service specifications" mean the descriptions at, or such other address specified by Oracle, that are applicable to the Oracle cloud services demonstration environment, including any Oracle demonstration materials, Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and other descriptions referenced or incorporated in such descriptions. The term "services period" refers to the period of time for which Oracle makes any part of the Oracle cloud services demonstration environment available to you for your use hereunder. Oracle may inform you of additional scheduling requirements for use of the Oracle cloud services demonstration environment. The services period may be terminated at any time at Oracle's sole discretion without prior notice.
Separate Terms means the third party-specified terms applicable to the use of Red Sift-Provided Third Party Technology, and which are found in the User Guide, readme or notice files.
Separate Terms. Each of the paragraphs in this XXXX operate separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the other paragraphs will remain in full force and effect. Delay: Even if we delay enforcing this XXXX, we can still enforce it later. If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under this XXXX, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaching this XXXX, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date.
Separate Terms means terms and conditions separate from these Terms that pertain to the Service and that have been released or uploaded by GamGam under names such as “terms” or “policies.”