Alternative Process County definition
Examples of Alternative Process County in a sentence
The Department shall solicit information related to qualifications to become an Alternative Process County no later than 90 days prior to issuance of the NOFA.
Alternative Process County Designation To be designated as an Alternative Process County by the Department, the following requirements must be satisfied at least 30 days prior to issuance of the Department’s initial NOFA in a given calendar year in which the Department determines allocation amounts pursuant to Section 102 (e) utilizing the most recent Point in Time Count of sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons as published by HUD.
These requirements must be satisfied once every two years concurrent with running the formula allocation under Section 102, unless the Alternative Process County designation has been revoked or relinquished.
Specifically, the No Place Like Home Program Guidelines Sections 303 (f) and 206 (b) describe the disability verification requirements requiring a qualified mental health worker to certify the disability, following of the procedures used by the local Coordinated Entry System (CES), or following the procedures designed by the Alternative Process County and approved by the local Continuum of Care.
The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) hereby announces the availability of a minimum of $486 million in Round 4 Competitive Allocation and Alternative Process County (APC) funds for the No Place Like Home (NPLH) program.
Alternative Process County Designation To be designated as an Alternative Process County by the Department, the following requirements must be satisfied at least 30 days prior to issuance of the Department’s initial annual NOFA in a given calendar year in which the Department determines allocation amounts pursuant to Section 102 (e) utilizing the sheltered and unsheltered Homeless Point-in- Time Count in either 2015 or in any year thereafter, as published by HUD.
If the designation of an Alternative Process County has been revoked or relinquished, the requirements below must be satisfied 30 days prior to issuance of the next NOFA under which the County wishes to be re-designated as an Alternative Process County.
The Alternative Process County may modify these assumptions as necessary to maintain project financial feasibility or extend the term of the COSR.
All of the following requirements must be satisfied only once every two years concurrent with running the formula allocation under Section 102, unless the Alternative Process County designation has been revoked or relinquished.
The County of Santa Clara is eligible to be designated as an Alternative Process County.