Ambient air means that portion of the atmosphere, external to buildings, to which the general public has access.
Hot water means water at a temperature of 110°F. or higher.
Operating pressure means the pressure at which the parts of an irrigation system are designed by the manufacturer to operate.
medium voltage means the set of nominal voltage levels that lie above low voltage and below high voltage in the range of 1 kV < Un 44 kV. [SANS 1019]
Ballast water means water with its suspended matter taken on board a ship to control trim, list, draught, stability or stresses of the ship.
Potable means water suitable for drinking by the public.
Exfiltration means any unauthorized release of data from within an information system. This includes copying the data through covert network channels or the copying of data to unauthorized media.
Diatomaceous earth filtration means a process resulting in substantial particulate removal in which (1) a precoat cake of diatomaceous earth filter media is deposited on a support membrane (septum), and (2) while the water is filtered by passing through the cake on the septum, additional filter media known as body feed is continuously added to the feed water to maintain the permeability of the filter cake.
Invasive plant species means species of plants not historically found in California that spread outside cultivated areas and can damage environmental or economic resources. Invasive species may be regulated by county agricultural agencies as noxious species. Lists of invasive plants are maintained at the California Invasive Plant Inventory and USDA invasive and noxious weeds database.
True vapor pressure means the equilibrium partial pressure exerted by a petroleum liquid as determined in accordance with methods described in American Petroleum Institute (API) Bulletin 2517, Evaporation Loss from External Floating Roof Tanks, 1980. The API procedure may not be applicable to some high viscosity or high pour crudes. Available estimates of true vapor pressure may be used in special cases such as these.
High-temperature coating means a high performance coating labeled and formulated for application to substrates exposed continuously or intermittently to temperatures above 204oC (400oF).
CO2 means carbon dioxide.
Slug loading means any pollutant, including oxygen demanding pollutants, released in a discharge at a flow rate and/or pollutant concentration as to cause interference in the POTW.
Tank means an enclosed space which is formed by the permanent structure of a ship and which is designed for the carriage of liquid in bulk.
Vapor tight means equipment that allows no loss of vapors. Compliance with vapor-tight requirements can be determined by checking to ensure that the concentration at a potential leak source is not equal to or greater than 100 percent of the lower explosive limit (LEL) when measured with a combustible gas detector, calibrated with propane, at a distance of 1 inch (2.54 cm) from the source.
Ambient air quality standard means an established concentration, exposure time, and frequency of occurrence of air contaminant(s) in the ambient air which shall not be exceeded.
Filtration means a process for removing particulate matter from water by passage through porous media.
Reid vapor pressure means the vapor pressure of crude oil or other volatile petroleum products at 100 degrees Fahrenheit as determined by the latest edition of ASTM D6377 (RVPE): Standard Test Method for Determination of Vapor Pressure of Crude Oil.
Recycled water or “reclaimed water” means treated or recycled waste water of a quality suitable for non-potable uses such as landscape irrigation and water features. This water is not intended for human consumption.
Nitrogen oxides means nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide, expressed as nitrogen dioxide (NO2);
Pressure means relative pressure versus atmospheric pressure, unless otherwise stated.
Penetration Testing means security testing in which assessors mimic real-world attacks to identify methods for circumventing the security features of an application, system, or network. (NIST SP 800-115)
Radiation therapy simulation system means a radiographic or fluoroscopic x-ray system intended for localizing the volume to be exposed during radiation therapy and confirming the position and size of the therapeutic irradiation field.
Infiltration means water other than wastewater that enters a sewer system (including sewer system and foundation drains) from the ground through such means as defective pipes, pipe joints, connections, or manholes. Infiltration does not include, and is distinguished from, inflow.
Sediment means solid material, mineral or organic, that is in suspension, is being transported, or has been moved from its site of origin by air, water or gravity as a product of erosion.
water meter means any apparatus for measuring or showing the volume of water supplied to, or of effluent discharged from any premises;