Examples of Amenity Space in a sentence
Amenity Space Access [Pre-Occupation Condition] The external amenity space serving the development hereby approved, and pedestrian access to it, shall be made available as a communal area prior to the first occupation of the development hereby permitted and shall be retained with access to it at all times for the use of the flat units.
Amenity Space: The space required in Sub-section J.1(b) of this Zone, is excluded from the calculation of the floor area ratio.
Proposed Erection of 17 No. Dwellings (11 No. Houses and 1 No. Buildings Containing 6 No. Flats) with Associated Access, Parking and Private Amenity Space.
As such the use of the outbuilding as a non-incidental and self-contained residential unit is contrary to Unitary Development Plan policies ENV-B.1.1 (New Development), H.4.1 (Housing Standards and Guidelines) of the Unitary Development Plan, Local Plan Policies CC1, CC2, SC5 and Section 10 (Private Amenity Space) of the Supplementary Planning Guidance.
Amenity Space Access [performance condition] The amenity space areas shown on the plans hereby approved, and pedestrian access to it, shall be made available as amenity space prior to the first occupation of the dwellings hereby permitted and shall be retained with access to it at all times for the use of all occupiers of the development .