Examples of American Fisheries Act in a sentence
The bill would allow the North Pacific Council to change the harvest limitation under the American Fisheries Act for entities engaged in the directed pollock fishery as long as that percentage does not exceed 24 percent.
Funds made available under Public Law 105–277 for costs associated with implementation of the American Fisheries Act of 1998 (division C, title II, of Public Law 105–277) for vessel documentation activities shall remain available until expended.
The Fisheries Collective Marketing Act (FCMA) of 1934 and the American Fisheries Act of 1998 allow the formation of fishing cooperatives.
The portion of the Bering Sea subarea pollock directed fishing allowance allocated to each component under Sections 206(a) and 206(b) of the American Fisheries Act will be divided into two seasonal allowances corresponding to the two fishing seasons set out at § 679.23(e)(5), as follows: A/B Season, 40 percent; C/ D Season, 60 percent.(2) Inseason Adjustments.
The 1998 American Fisheries Act facilitates use of fishing cooperatives as a measure of addressing common pool inefficiencies that plague commercial fishery resources.
The proposed action would implement a cost recovery fee program, not to exceed 3 percent of ex-vessel value, to cover the costs of the management, data collection, and enforcement, of the Amendment 80 program, CDQ Groundfish and Halibut/Sablefish programs, Freezer Longline Coalition, and the American Fisheries Act and Aleutian Islands Pollock programs.
It would be useful to establish if similar findings emerged for other school subjects that are required for as a general entry to college or the labor market (e.g., English) as well as those subjects that might be relevant to fulfilling one’s personal aspirations.
This action would not incur any negative impacts to American Fisheries Act and crab sideboard limited vessels for the foreseeable future.Timetable: Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes.Agency Contact: James Balsiger,Regional Administrator, Alaska Region, Department of Commerce, NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 709 West Ninth Street, Juneau, AK 99801, Phone: 907 586–7221, Fax: 907 586–7465, Email:jim.balsiger@noaa.gov.
Allow the North Pacific Council to change the harvest limitation under the American Fisheries Act for entities engaged in the directed pollock fishery as long as that percentage does not exceed 24 percent.Not applicable to the Gulf Council.
The American Fisheries Act (1998), hereafter AFA or the Act, promises the efficiency benefits of individual transferable quota (ITQ) management without violating the four-year moratorium on new ITQs that congress imposed in 1996 (Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act 1996).1 AFA extends traditional exemptions from antitrust liability granted to agricultural producers and fishermen by providing an incentive to form voluntary fishery cooperatives.