CARES Act definition
Examples of CARES Act in a sentence
The CARES Act Special Funding Terms and Conditions shall relate to a particular project and be peculiar to that project but shall not weaken the character or intent of the GTC.
The Contractor shall not be reimbursed for expenditures under this Agreement that do not comply with the CARES Act and Related Regulations that are incorporated.
Data must meet new federal Coronavirus AID, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act laboratory guidance.
Similarly, the CARES Act provided that payments from the CRF be used to cover costs incurred by December 31, 2021.171 The 170 See 42 CFR 433.51 and 45 CFR 75.306.
Eligible uses listed under this section build and expand upon permissible expenditures under the CRF, while recognizing the differences between the ARPA and CARES Act, and recognizing that the response to the COVID–19 public health emergency has changed and will continue to change over time.