Examples of CARES Act in a sentence
LEAs: LEAs may use funds for any purposes listed in section 18003(d) of the CARES Act.
Any funds not awarded by the SEA within one year of receiving its award will be returned to the Department to be reallocated to other States consistent with the CARES Act.
The SEA and each LEA and any other entity that receives ESSER funds will, to the greatest extent practicable, continue to compensate its employees and contractors during the period of any disruptions or closures related to COVID-19 in compliance with Section 18006 of Division B of the CARES Act.
CARES Act funds generally will not be used for bonuses, merit pay, or similar expenditures, unless related to disruptions or closures resulting from COVID-19.
I acknowledge and agree that the failure to comply with all Assurances and Certifications in this Agreement, all relevant provisions and requirements of the CARES Act, Pub.