Analyte definition

Analyte means a chemical, compound, element, bacteria, yeast, fungus, or toxin to be identified or measured.
Analyte means the constituent or property of a sample measured using an analytical method.
Analyte means a specific substance for which testing is performed by a laboratory.

Examples of Analyte in a sentence

  • These files include the Sample ID, Analyte Type, Slot No, Sample Collection Date, Sample Comment, Age Grouping, Astro ID, Receipt Date, Analysis Date, Run Number, Tech ID, Analyte Result, Result Comment, Adjusted Result, QC Repeat, LOD, Change Reason, and Change Reason Other.

  • Analyte CAS No.Requirement (Max.)Reporting Limit Client: ThinkFun Inc.

  • Analyte concentrations shall be measured using reference spectra from the EPA FTIR spectral library.

  • Each AnalysisGroup node must contain one Analyte node for each target analyte.

  • Analyte CAS No.Requirement (Max)Reporting Limit Client: ThinkFun Inc.

More Definitions of Analyte

Analyte means a substance that a test is used to detect.
Analyte means the substance or physical property to be determined in samples examined.
Analyte means the chemical substance, physical prop- erty or organism analyzed in a sample.
Analyte means a specific substance for which testing is performed by a marijuana testing facility.
Analyte means a substance or chemical component that is undergoing analysis.
Analyte means a component, substance, or chemical or microbiological constituent that is of interest in an analytical procedure or test.
Analyte means the drug or drug metabolite measured by an initial or confirmatory drug test.