Examples of Annual average concentration in a sentence
Annual average concentration contributions were correlated with population data as a metric to indicate impacts on population.
The loads [kg/a] for air emissions shall be calculated as the (Annual average concentration by point source (mg/Nm3) X Annual average flow rate (Nm3/h) X Operating hours(h/a)/1000000.
Annual average concentration is the arithmetic mean of the results of all effluent samples taken within the previous 365 days.34572.
Annual average concentration of major pollutant—SO2 onlyChange Process: Management approval, and borrower consultations New Added Indicator.
Annual average concentration of Particulate Matter (PM) 2.5 by county, Delaware, 2000- 2016 The data and statistics presented in the prior graphs and tables provide users of this report with an opportunity to start asking questions and generating hypotheses.