Examples of Daily Concentration in a sentence
Daily Concentration is the sum of the concentrations of the individual samples of a parameter divided by the number of samples taken during any calendar day.
Where DML is expressed in units of mass, compliance is the product of the Daily Concentration and the flow over the same period.
Where daily limits are expressed in units of mass, compliance is the product of the Daily Concentration and the flow over the same period.
Sulfate concentrations in the treatment plant effluent are estimated to have a Maximum Daily Concentration of 90 mg/l an Average Daily Concentration of 50 mg/L.
Surcharge ParameterAvg Daily Concentration (mg/L)Surcharge Factor ($/Lb)Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)> 250See above hyperlinkTotal Suspended Solids (TSS)> 275See above hyperlinkThe formula to calculate the Monthly Surcharge amount is:(BOD Conc.
The metrics most likely to be relevant for 1-BP are Lifetime Average Daily Concentration (mg/m3) and Average Daily Concentration (mg/m3) for inhalation routes of exposure, and Lifetime Average Daily Dose (mg/kg/day) and Average Daily Dose (mg/kg/day) for dermal routes of exposure.
As discussed in Section 7.2 (Waste Loads Allocations and Load Allocations as Daily Concentration), MassDEP believes that the simplest and most readily understood method of meeting the TMDL is to meet the water quality standards at the point of discharge.
Statistical Summary of 8-hr 1-BP TWA Exposures (AC, ADC and LADC) for Manufacturing Based on Monitoring Data (U.S. Facility, Closed System) Source: (OSHA, 2013a) (U.S. facility)AC = Acute Concentration; ADC = Average Daily Concentration and LADC = Lifetime Average Daily Concentration.
Average Daily Concentration : Please give the average concentration of the emission under normal operation condition on any typical day.
Non-Detects If a pollutant is not detected in the sample, put a less-than sign (<) in the Maximum Daily Concentration column.For example, if the lab reports “<0.10 mg/L”, for ammonia (as N), you would place “<“ in the Concentration column and “0.10” in the “Reporting Level ML/MDL” column. Put the detection or reporting level in the last column. Do not calculate a mass.