Examples of Annuity Payout Period in a sentence
After unavoidable damage, to restore quasi-original conditions where appropriate; • Contractor’s operations should be so performed as to prevent accidental spillage of contaminants, debris, or other pollutants, especially into streams or underground water resources.
The number of Annuity Units used to calculate each payout for a Sub- Account remains fixed during the Annuity Payout Period.
The guaranteed Annuity Payout Period elected may be 5, 10, or 15 years, or other options as made available by the Company.
Annuity Payout Period - The period beginning on the Annuity Commencement Date and continuing until all annuity payouts have been made under this Contract.
The number of Annuity Units used to calculate each payout for a Sub-Account remains fixed during the Annuity Payout Period.
The following variable annuity payout options are available: (a) Option 1: Variable Life Annuity with Guaranteed Period Payouts for the guaranteed Annuity Payout Period elected or the lifetime of the Annuitant, whichever is longer.
Your Contract has two phases: (1) an accumulation (savings) phase called the Accumulation Period, prior to the Annuity Date; and (2) a payout (income) phase called the Annuity Payout Period, after the Annuity Date.
The Annuity Installment is payable directly to the Member or the Beneficiary where so applicable throughout the Annuity Payout Period.
The Contract can supplement your retirement income by providing a stream of income payments during the Annuity Payout Period.
Payouts for the guaranteed Annuity Payout Period elected or the lifetime of the Annuitant whichever is longer.