Antimicrobial solution definition

Antimicrobial solution means any solution used to retard the growth of microorganisms.

Related to Antimicrobial solution

  • Total solids means the sum of suspended and dissolved solids.

  • Cannabinoid edible means food or potable liquid into which a cannabinoid concentrate, cannabinoid extract or dried marijuana leaves or flowers have been incorporated.

  • Radionuclide means a radioactive element or a radioactive isotope.

  • Precursor means any chemical reactant which takes part at any stage in the production by whatever method of a toxic chemical. This includes any key component of a binary or multicomponent chemical system.

  • Commercial solid waste means all types of solid waste generated by stores, offices, restaurants, warehouses, and other nonmanufacturing activities, excluding residential and industrial wastes.

  • Radiopharmaceutical means any drug that exhibits spontaneous disintegration of unstable nuclei with the emission of nuclear particles or photons and includes any non-radioactive reagent kit or radionuclide generator that is intended to be used in the preparation of any such substance, but does not include drugs such as carbon-containing compounds or potassium-containing salts that include trace quantities of naturally occurring radionuclides. The term also includes any biological product that is labeled with a radionuclide or intended solely to be labeled with a radionuclide.

  • Kit means a set of components that are packaged together and intended to be used to perform a specific in vitro diagnostic examination, or a part thereof;

  • Industrial solid waste means solid waste generated by manufacturing or industrial processes that is not a hazardous waste. Such waste may include, but is not limited to, waste resulting from the following manufacturing processes: electric power generation; fertilizer/agricultural chemicals; food and related products or byproducts; inorganic chemicals; iron and steel manufacturing; leather and leather products; nonferrous metals manufacturing or foundries; organic chemicals; plastics and resins manufacturing; pulp and paper industry; rubber and miscellaneous plastic products; stone, glass, clay, and concrete products; textile manufacturing; transportation equipment; and water treatment. This term does not include mining waste or oil and gas waste.

  • Cannabinoid means any of the chemical compounds that are the active constituents of marijuana.

  • Cyanoacrylate adhesive means any adhesive with a cyanoacrylate content of at least 95% by weight.

  • Methamphetamine means methamphetamine, any salt, isomer, or salt of an isomer of methamphetamine, or any compound, mixture, preparation, or substance containing methamphetamine or any salt, isomer, or salt of an isomer of methamphetamine.

  • Pathogen means an organism that is capable of producing an infection or disease in a susceptible host.

  • Epinephrine auto-injector means a device for immediate self-administration or administration by another trained person of a measured dose of epinephrine to a person at risk of anaphylaxis.

  • Biological product means a virus, therapeutic serum, toxin, antitoxin, vaccine, blood, blood component or derivative, allergenic product, protein other than a chemically synthesized polypeptide, or analogous product, or arsphenamine or any derivative of arsphenamine or any other trivalent organic arsenic compound, applicable to the prevention, treatment, or cure of a disease or condition of human beings.

  • Cannabis means all parts of the plant Cannabis sativa Linnaeus, Cannabis indica, or Cannabis ruderalis, whether growing or not; the seeds thereof; the resin, whether crude or purified, extracted from any part of the plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the plant, its seeds, or resin. “Cannabis” also means the separated resin, whether crude or purified, obtained from cannabis. “Cannabis” does not include the mature stalks of the plant, fiber produced from the stalks, oil or cake made from the seeds of the plant, any other compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the mature stalks (except the resin extracted therefrom), fiber, oil, or cake, or the sterilized seed of the plant which is incapable of germination. For the purpose of this division, “cannabis” does not mean “industrial hemp” as defined by Section 11018.5 of the Health and Safety Code. Cannabis and the term “marijuana” may be used interchangeably.

  • nanomaterial means a natural, incidental or manufactured material containing particles in an unbound state or as an aggregate or as an agglomerate and where, for 50 % or more of the particles in the number size distribution, one or more external dimensions is in the size range 1-100 nm;

  • Orthotics means the science and practice of evaluating, measuring, designing, fabricating, assembling, fitting, adjusting, or servicing an orthosis under a prescription from a licensed physician for the correction or alleviation of neuromuscular or musculoskeletal dysfunction, disease, injury, or deformity;

  • Municipal solid waste or “MSW” shall mean waste material: (a) generated by a household (including a single or multifamily residence); or (b) generated by a commercial, industrial, or institutional entity, to the extent that the waste material (1) is essentially the same as waste normally generated by a household; (2) is collected and disposed of with other municipal solid waste as part of normal municipal solid waste collection services; and (3) contains a relative quantity of hazardous substances no greater than the relative quantity of hazardous substances contained in waste material generated by a typical single-family household.]

  • Aerosol adhesive means any adhesive packaged as an aerosol product in which the spray mechanism is permanently housed in a nonrefillable can designed for hand-held application without the need for ancillary hoses or spray equipment. Aerosol adhesives include special purpose spray adhesives, mist spray adhesives, and web spray adhesives.

  • Halogen means one of the chemical elements chlorine, bromine or iodine.

  • Polystyrene foam adhesive means an aerosol adhesive designed to bond polystyrene foam to substrates.

  • Anabolic steroid means any drug or hormonal substance, chemically and pharmacologically related

  • Formulation means the combination of various ingredients designed to render the product useful and effective for the purpose claimed, or the form of pesticide as purchased by users;

  • Nutrient means a chemical element or compound, such as nitrogen or phosphorus, which is essential to and promotes the development of organisms.

  • Anaerobic digestion ’ means a controlled process involving microbial decomposition of organic matter in the absence of oxygen ;

  • Prosthesis means an artificial substitute for a missing body part.