Apache Egypt definition
Examples of Apache Egypt in a sentence
He has previously held roles in Santos (Australia/Houston), Halliburton Consulting (Russia), Wintershall (Norway) and Apache (Egypt).
It is, however, the policy of Apache Egypt not to undertake driving at night, except in emergency.Another potential direct impact to fauna is from hunting.
This section describes procedures to be implemented by Apache Egypt and its contractors to minimize the potential negative impacts associated with the proposed project.
Apache Egypt will ensure that all wastes generated are correctly identified, and stored pending collection/transfer for re-use, recovery, recycling, treatment and/or disposal in an environmentally sound manner.
Any action in response to our residual impact should take into consideration the scale and type of all other additional activity that Apache Egypt is supporting, both at a corporate, country and project level.Such activities will be linked with the project’s management of its social programmes.
Apache Egypt will review its operations on a random or as-needed basis, and will take the necessary measures to ensure the public, Land, air and water in neighboring cities/villages are protected from adverse impacts.
Overall, Apache Egypt built 209 schools out of which 125 are in Fayoum, 39 in Minya, 37 in Giza, and 8 in Matrouh.Since then, Apache has supported the schools with regular maintenance activities, school supplies, computers and medical needs.
A Production Sharing Agreement has been agreed between the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC) and Apache Egypt Companies for Concession Areas “Siwa, Sallum, West Ghazalat, Farafra, and East Ras Budran”.
Any action in response to our residual impact should take into consideration the scale and type of all other additional activity that Apache Egypt is supporting, both at a corporate, country and project level.
Safety and environmental responsibility are an integral part of Apache Egypt projects worldwide, and these characteristics result in improved quality in every aspect of operations.