Examples of Apartment Dwelling in a sentence
ATTENDANCE Regular attendance is necessary for the best learning situation.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section, where any lot in a Mixed Use zone abuts a lot in a Residential zone, with the exception of the RA1 and RA2 Apartment Dwelling zones, a continuous landscaped buffer area of a minimum width of 3m shall be provided along the abutting lot line of the lot, and a continuous tight board fence with a minimum height of 2m is to be constructed along the lot line.
Detached Accessory [[Apartment]] Dwelling Unit DefinedDetached Accessory Apartment or Accessory Dwelling Unit means a second dwelling unit that is located in a separate accessory structure on the same lot as a detached house building type and includes facilities for cooking, eating, sanitation, and sleeping.
For the purposes of the requirements for minimum lot area, maximum lot coverage, minimum side yards and minimum rear yard, the lands zoned “RM-2” shall be deemed to be one lot notwithstanding that they may be severed into a separate parcel of land for the Rowhouse Dwellings and another parcel of land for the Apartment Dwelling.
In an “A” Apartment Dwelling District, no land shall be used and no building shall be erected for or converted to any use other than those listed in the Schedule of Permitted Uses for this district.