Residential definition

Residential means any school trip which includes an overnight stay.
Residential means that the Premises where the Service is installed are used wholly:
Residential means lands or Buildings used, designed or intended for use as a residence for one or more individuals, and shall include, but is not limited to a Single Detached Dwelling, a Semi-Detached Dwelling, a Plex, a Small or Large Apartment , a Multiple Dwelling Unit, a Residential Dwelling Unit accessory to a Non-Residential use, and the Residential portion of a Live-Work Unit, but shall not include a lodging house licensed by a municipality or a hotel;

Examples of Residential in a sentence

  • This contract is binding between Bemidji State University’s Department of Housing & Residential Life, hereinafter designated as “University” and the student, hereinafter designated as “Resident.” These terms have been incorporated by reference into the Cedar Apartment Agreement and are binding on all parties.

  • A copy of this form resides with the Department of Public Safety and the Department of Housing & Residential Life.

  • Exceptions will only be made by the Director of the Department of Housing & Residential Life.

  • Residential Trainees are directed to follow hostel rules & regulations strictly and any deviation will be dealt strictly.

  • It is at the discretion of the resident and the Department of Housing & Residential Life to determine if/when a child should have an apartment key.

More Definitions of Residential

Residential means areas where people reside or lodge, including, but not limited to, single and multiple family dwellings, condominiums, mobile homes, apartment complexes, motels, and hotels.
Residential. ’ means used as a dwelling;
Residential means a type of building or a portion thereof which is designed for occupancy by not more than four (4) families, a single-family condominium, or a unit in a planned unit development.
Residential means of, from, or pertaining to a Single-Family Premises or Multi-Family Premises including Single-Family homes, apartments, condominiums, Townhouse complexes, mobile home parks, and cooperative apartments.
Residential means used or designed or intended to be used as a home or residence of one or more persons;
Residential means the development of any property for a dwelling unit or units.