APC service definition

APC service means a service that is priced and paid using the APC system.
APC service means a service that is priced and paid us- ing the APC system.

Examples of APC service in a sentence

  • The Call Agents provide the APC service with endpoint information, such as the endpoint’s ad- dress (e.g., IP address and port number for a desktop phone, the phone number and cellular gateway address for a cell phone) and transport protocol (e.g., RTP).

  • Failed op- erators and connectors in a data path are restarted by the APC service running on the Ninja Base.

  • A centralized APC service responsible for instantiating, executing, and maintaining the paths is not ap- propriate for the wide area, because when it is out of service (from host crashes or network partitions), it orphans all the paths it maintains (with operators and connectors running on different hosts).

  • Although we did not have a fully functional APC service during these additions, we have found adding a new data format and access network to be straightfor- ward.

  • Officers have sought specialist advice on the impact this may have on the Council’s ability to obtain the best advertising agreement that maximises income potential for the Council and have been informed that it is highly likely that this will be detrimental as the current key market leaders are not keen on providing an APC service, as an integral part of an advertising agreement.

  • Device type independence is enabled by the IAP (which does the protocol conversion) and the APC service (which takes care of any data format conversion in a generic fashion).The Preference Registry provides a clean model for the per- sonalization features of the Universal In-box.

  • When Bob picks up the phone, the CAs interact with the APC service to establish the data path.

  • The management can justify whether the APC investment is useful by monitoring the APC service rate.

  • Lastly, demand for APC services was growing along a steady trend (see monthly demand for APC service in Figure 4).

  • In addition, there is a large APC service sector which comprises approximately 50 to 70 service companies and consultancies.

Related to APC service

  • Basic Service As defined in M.G.L. c. 164, § 1 and in orders of the Department, as amended or promulgated, as the case may be, from time to time. Business Day – Any day between the period of 8:00 a.m. and ending at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Prevailing Time, except Saturday, Sunday and any day which is a legal holiday or a day on which federal banking institutions in Boston, Massachusetts are authorized by law to close. Change in Law – As used herein, means any of the following:

  • Utility service means the transportation or transmission of natural gas or electricity by means of mains, wires, lines or pipes, to users or customers.

  • Service Plan means the Operating Plan and Budget appended as Schedules A and D2a of Schedule D;

  • related service , means the services incidental to the supply of the Goods, such as transportation, insurance, installation, training and initial maintenance and other such obligations of the Supplier under the Contract.

  • Enhanced Service Provider (ESP) is a provider of enhanced services as those services are defined in 47 CFR Section 64.702.