Examples of Application Day in a sentence
I hereby certify that I am the parent/legal guardian of all minor children or dependents on the Membership Application, Day Pass, or other form of admittance to the Kroc Center and have executed these releases on (his)/(her) behalf.
I agree to assume such risks to me and on behalf of all minors on the Mem- bership Application, Day Pass, or other form of admittance to Kroc Center programs.
Any BPAY® payment must be received by the Unit Registry by 5:00pm (Sydney time) on the Application Day for Units to be issued on the relevant Issue Date.A minimum initial Application of A$1,000 applies (which may be reduced at the Responsible Entity’s discretion).Investors must provide certain information as required by the Responsible Entity as part of its Know Your Customer (KYC) obligations.
The Responsible Entity may accept or reject Applications for Units in its absolute discretion.Should your Application be accepted, Units will be issued to you at the Issue Price on the relevant Issue Date.Your Application Form and Application Monies must be received by the Unit Registry by 5:00pm (Sydney time) on an Application Day for Units to be issued on the relevant Issue Date.
ETU Post-Application Chronic Non-Cancer RisksCrop GroupChronic MOE on Day of Application (Day 0)Application Rate (lb a.i./acre)Low Exposure ScenariosMedium Exposure ScenariosHigh Exposure ScenariosVery High Exposure ScenariosN/A, Not applicable.
Für nach diesem Zeitpunkt bei der Namensregister- undAll subscriptions for Shares in the Subfund received by the Registrar and Transfer Agent on a Application Day (Order Day) no later than 15:00 Luxembourg local time (cut-off time), will be handled at the Issue Price, which will be calculated on the next Valuation Day.
Any such exemption is conditioned upon the bid price for such Company’s securities remaining over $0.25 or $0.10, respectively, for the Company’s first 30 days on OTCQX;d) Have a Market Capitalization of at least $10 million on each of the 30 consecutive calendar days immediately preceding the Company’s Application Day.
Unitholders wishing to submit their Units for repurchase should send a completed Repurchase Notice or such other notice as the Administrator may determine from time to time, so as to be received by the Administrator by no later than 6:00 p.m. (Tokyo time) on the Repurchase Application Day relating to the relevant Repurchase Day.
Für nach diesem Zeitpunkt bei der Namensregister- und Umschreibungsstelle eintreffende Anträge gilt der Rücknahmepreis des übernächsten Bewertungstages.All requests for redemptions in Shares in the Subfund received by the Registrar and Transfer Agent on an Application Day no later than 15:00 Luxembourg local time (cut-off time), will be handled at the Redemption Price, which will be calculated on the next Valuation Day.
I agree to assume such risks to me and on behalf of all minors on the Membership Application, Day Pass, or other form of admittance to the Kroc Center.