Examples of Apportionment in a sentence
The student FTE component of the fee calculation is variable and will be based on the actual annual average student FTE count for the prior fiscal year as reported by OSPI on the 1191ED Apportionment report.
Whenever multiple jurisdictions are affected due to the location of a fire, it is mandatory to develop and implement a Cost Share Agreement (or Apportionment Process, if applicable).
Apportionment An apportionment by MPAC of the assessed value made pursuant to Section 356 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.
Severance / Consolidation Information Form or SCIF The form which sets out information related to an Apportionment, and is used by the Municipality to apportion unpaid taxes among the parcels as provided under section 356(1) of Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.