Apprenticeship utilization requirement definition

Apprenticeship utilization requirement means a requirement related to the amount
Apprenticeship utilization requirement means the overall percentage of Labor Hours established for the Contract to be worked by Apprentices. This requirement is expressed as a percentage of the total Labor Hours for the Contract.
Apprenticeship utilization requirement means a requirement related to the amount of labor performed by an apprentice.

Examples of Apprenticeship utilization requirement in a sentence

  • FAS would set an Apprenticeship utilization requirement for each City project no less than 15% of total work hours unless extraordinary circumstances require a lower requirement; and no more than 20%.

  • The Apprenticeship utilization requirement bill died as well last week.

Related to Apprenticeship utilization requirement

  • Minimum Participation Requirements means a set of minimum training, risk management, communication and capital or collateral requirements required for Participants in the PJM Markets, as set forth herein and in the Form of Annual Certification set forth as Tariff, Attachment Q, Appendix 1. Participants transacting in FTRs in certain circumstances will be required to demonstrate additional risk management procedures and controls as further set forth in the Annual Certification found in Tariff, Attachment Q, Appendix 1.

  • Risk Retention Requirements means the credit risk retention requirements of Section 15G of the Exchange Act (15 U.S.C. §78o-11), as added by Section 941 of the Xxxx-Xxxxx Xxxx Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

  • Data Protection Requirements means all Requirements of Law, to the extent applicable to the items and services provided by the Borrower and each Restricted Subsidiary, relating to the privacy and security of information technology assets and equipment, computers, systems, networks, hardware, software, websites, applications, and databases and personal, personally identifiable, sensitive, confidential or regulated data and, in each case, to the protection thereof from unauthorized use, access, misappropriation or modification.

  • Certification Requirements means those requirements specified or referenced in this Agreement that you must meet in order to use and maintain the Certification Designation and use the Logo in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

  • Design requirements means the written description of the infrastructure facility to be procured pursuant to this article, including:

  • Drug utilization review means an evaluation of a prescription drug order and patient records for

  • Qualification Requirements means the qualification requirements as set forth in Section-2, Clause 2.1 of this RFP;

  • Storage Injection Requirements means all volumes required by the Seller for injection into underground storage, including cushion gas, and for liquification, including fuel used for injection and in liquification plants, or for such other storage projects that may be developed expressly for the protection of supply to high priority users.

  • Medicaid Notification of Termination Requirements Any Contractor accessing payments for services under the Global Commitment to Health Waiver and Medicaid programs who terminates their practice will follow the Department of Vermont Health Access, Managed Care Organization enrollee notification requirements.

  • Program Requirements means that Partner has to fulfill certain program requirements as described in detail in the applicable SAP PartnerEdge Model and the PartnerEdge Program Guide.

  • Applicable water quality standards means all water quality standards to which a discharge is subject under the federal Clean Water Act and which has been (a) approved or permitted to remain in effect by the Administrator following submission to the Administrator pursuant to Section 303(a) of the Act, or (b) promulgated by the Director pursuant to Section 303(b) or 303(c) of the Act, and standards promulgated under (APCEC) Regulation No. 2, as amended.

  • Bid Submission Requirement means a task a Prospective Contractor must complete when submitting a bid response. These requirements will be distinguished by using the term “shall” or “must” in the requirement.

  • PJM Region Reliability Requirement means, for purposes of the Base Residual Auction, the Forecast Pool Requirement multiplied by the Preliminary PJM Region Peak Load Forecast, less the sum of all Preliminary Unforced Capacity Obligations of FRR Entities in the PJM Region; and, for purposes of the Incremental Auctions, the Forecast Pool Requirement multiplied by the updated PJM Region Peak Load Forecast, less the sum of all updated Unforced Capacity Obligations of FRR Entities in the PJM Region.

  • Availability Standards has the meaning set forth in the CAISO Tariff.

  • Minimum Requirements means the minimum requirements for available commercial structures. The minimum requirements may be found at this link: choices/renewable-power/green-future-impact The minimum requirements may be updated from time to time to reflect PGE’s criteria from its latest Commission accepted renewable request for proposals.

  • Margin Requirement means the amount of money and/ or assets that the Client is required to deposit and/ or hold with the Firm as consideration for entering into a Transaction and/ or maintaining an Open Position on its Account;

  • Accessibility Standards means accessibility standards and specifications for Texas agency and institution of higher education websites and EIR set forth in 1 TAC Chapter 206 and/or Chapter 213.

  • NZOC Nomination and Selection Regulation means the regulation of NZOC relation to the nomination and selection Process for all Olympic and Commonwealth games, including the Games.

  • New jobs training program or “program” means the project or projects established by a community college for the creation of jobs by providing education and training of workers for new jobs for new or expanding industry in the merged area served by the community college. The proceeds of the certificates, as authorized by the Act, shall be used only to fund program services related to training programs made necessary by the creation of new jobs.

  • Independent educational evaluation means an evaluation conducted by a qualified examiner who is not employed by the public agency responsible for the education of the child in question.

  • Mandatory City Requirements means those City laws set forth in the San Francisco Municipal Code, including the duly authorized rules, regulations, and guidelines implementing such laws that impose specific duties and obligations upon Contractor.

  • Utilization review organization means an entity that conducts utilization review, other than a health carrier performing a review for its own health benefit plans.

  • Utilization review means the prospective (prior to), concurrent (during) or retrospective (after) review of any service to determine whether such service was properly authorized, constitutes a medically necessary service for purposes of benefit payment, and is a covered healthcare service under this plan. WE, US, and OUR means Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island. WE, US, or OUR will have the same meaning whether italicized or not. YOU and YOUR means the subscriber or member enrolled for coverage under this agreement. YOU and YOUR will have the same meaning whether italicized or not.

  • Regulation Zone means any of those one or more geographic areas, each consisting of a combination of one or more Control Zone(s) as designated by the Office of the Interconnection in the PJM Manuals, relevant to provision of, and requirements for, regulation service.

  • AML/KYC Procedures means the customer due diligence procedures of a Reporting Finnish Financial Institution pursuant to the anti-money laundering or similar requirements of Finland to which such Reporting Finnish Financial Institution is subject.

  • Minimum Extended Summer Resource Requirement means, for Delivery Years through May 31, 2017, the minimum amount of capacity that PJM will seek to procure from Extended Summer Demand Resources and Annual Resources for the PJM Region and for each Locational Deliverability Area for which the Office of the Interconnection is required under Tariff, Attachment DD, section 5.10(a) to establish a separate VRR Curve for such Delivery Year. For the PJM Region, the Minimum Extended Summer Resource Requirement shall be equal to the RTO Reliability Requirement minus [the Limited Demand Resource Reliability Target for the PJM Region in Unforced Capacity]. For an LDA, the Minimum Extended Summer Resource Requirement shall be equal to the LDA Reliability Requirement minus [the LDA CETL] minus [the Limited Demand Resource Reliability Target for such LDA in Unforced Capacity]. The LDA CETL may be adjusted pro rata for the amount of load served under the FRR Alternative. Minimum Generation Emergency: