Examples of Approved Estimates in a sentence
Expenses are accounted for in the fiscal year that goods and services are acquired, a liability is incurred or grant payments are due.Contributions to Government funds and agencies are expensed in the year the expenditure is made.Classification of expenses between current account items and capital account items follows the classification in the Approved Estimates.
The Estimates referred to in the financial statement Schedules 8, 9, 10(a) and 10(b) are from the original Approved Estimates and do not reflect changes arising from the tabling of Supplementary Estimates, except for the Adjusted Estimates referred to in Schedule 12 which include the original Approved Estimates and any tabled Supplementary Estimates.
Table 3.1: Trends in Ministry of Finance Budget Estimates for IWSS (MK million) Source: Ministry of Finance Approved Estimates of Expenditure on Recurrent and Capital Budget for the Financial Year 2012/2013 (Output based) The government recurrent expenditure shows a significant planned increase of almost 16 percent over the 2010/11 base.
The Estimates referred to in the financial statement schedules are from the original Approved Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for the fiscal year 2012/13 and do not reflect changes arising from the tabling of Supplementary Estimates, except for the Adjusted Estimates referred to in Schedule 12 which include the original Approved Estimates and any tabled Supplementary Estimates.
Actual expenditure was $233.84 million more than the Approved Estimates and.
Approved Estimates of the Government (cont’d) comparative and analytical purposes against the adjusted estimates.
This 18 Approved Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for FYs 2011,2012,2013.19 GMBAA, Part V, section 30 .
The expense represents management’s best estimate of future payments less recoveries.Classification of expenses between current account items and capital account items follows the classification in the Approved Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for the year 2022/23 (the “Approved Estimates”).
Note that the results in Panel A indicate that for all variables – both the energy/commodity proxies and the bond market proxies – the null hypothesis that (a+c) is equal to unity is accepted.
In the absence of any revenue or Appropriation-in-Aid budget component in the National Treasury Approved Estimates, the Agency commercial operations are not budgeted for and thus the revenue collected is not under the control of the National Treasury.