Worst Value definition

Worst Value means, in respect of a SPS Valuation Date, the lowest Underlying Reference Value for any Underlying Reference in the Basket in respect of such SPS Valuation Date.
Worst Value means, in respect of a ST Valuation Date, the RI Value for the Reference Item(s) with the lowest or equal lowest RI Value for any Reference Item in the Basket in respect of such ST Valuation Date.
Worst Value means, in respect of a MFP Valuation Date, the lowest Underlying Reference Value for any Underlying Reference in the Basket in respect of such MFP Valuation Date;

Examples of Worst Value in a sentence

  • Strike Price Closing Value: Applicable; "SPS AER Value" means the Worst Value.

  • In respect of the provisions relating to the determination of SPS AER Value, the following definitions are applicable (any terms not defined herein or elsewhere in this Final Terms being as defined in the Base Prospectus): "Worst Value" means, in respect of a SPS Valuation Date, the lowest Underlying Reference Value for any Underlying Reference in the Basket in respect of such SPS Valuation Date.

  • Worst Value means, in respect of a SPS Valuation Date, the lowest Underlying Reference Value for any Underlying Reference in the Basket in respect of such SPS Valuation Date.

  • The relevant asset to which the Securities relate is the UnderlyingReference with the Worst Value.

  • Where "Digital Coupon Condition" means that the DC Barrier Value for the relevant SPS Coupon Valuation Date is equal to or greater than the Barrier Level; "DC Barrier Value" means in respect of a SPS Coupon Valuation Date, the Worst Value.

More Definitions of Worst Value

Worst Value means, in respect of a ST Valuation Date, the RI Value for the Reference Item(s) with the lowest or equal lowest RI Value for any Reference Item in the Basket in respect of such ST Valuation Date. 20. Fixed Rate Note Provisions Not Applicable 21. Floating Rate and CMS Linked Note ProvisionsNot Applicable22. Equity Linked Note interest provisions:Applicable - please refer to the sections "Provisions Applicable to Fund Linked Notes" below for more information23. Inflation Linked Note interest provisions:Not Applicable24. ETF Linked Note interest provisions:Not Applicable25. Fund Linked Note interest provisions:Not Applicable26. Foreign Exchange (FX) Rate Linked Note interest provisions:Not Applicable27. EUA Contract Linked Note interest provisions:Not Applicable28. Reference Item Rate Linked Note interest provisionsNot Applicable29. Zero Coupon Note provisionsNot ApplicablePROVISIONS RELATING TO REDEMPTION 30. Call OptionNot Applicable31. Put Option:Not Applicable32. Final Redemption Amount of each Note:Calculation Amount * Final Payout33. Final Payout:Redemption (x) – Podium(A) If Final Redemption Condition 1 is satisfied in respect of a ST Redemption Valuation Date: Constant Percentage 1; or(B) If Final Redemption Condition 2 is satisfied in respect of a ST Redemption Valuation Date and Final Redemption Condition 1 is not satisfied in respect of a ST Redemption Valuation Date: Constant Percentage 2; or (C) Otherwise: "Redemption (i)" FR Value.Where:"Best Value" means, in respect of a ST Valuation Date, the RI Value for the Reference Item(s) with the highest or equal highest RI Value for any Reference Item in the Basket in respect of such ST Valuation Date. "Constant Percentage 1" means 100%.
Worst Value means, in respect of an Automatic Early Redemption Valuation Date, the RI Value for the Reference Item(s) with the lowest or equal lowest RI Value for any Reference Item in the Basket in respect of such Automatic Early Redemption Valuation Date
Worst Value means, in respect of a Knock-in Determination Day, the RI Value for the Reference Item(s) with the lowest or equal lowest RI Value for any Reference Item in the Basket in respect of such Knock-in Determination Day
Worst Value means, in respect of the ST Valuation Date, the RI Value for the Reference Item(s) with the lowest or equal lowest RI Value for any Reference Item in the Basket in respect of such ST Valuation Date.Final Redemption Amount:The Final Redemption Amount per Note payable on the Maturity Date is calculated as PLN 5,000 multiplied by 100%.Automatic Early RedemptionIf an AER Value Automatic Early Redemption Event occurs on any Automatic Early Redemption Valuation Date, the Notes will be redeemed early on the immediately following Automatic Early Redemption Date at the Automatic Early Redemption Amount. The Automatic Early Redemption Amount payable per Note is equal to PLN 5,000 multiplied by the AER percentage.
Worst Value means, in respect of a ST Valuation Date, the RI Value for the Worst-Performing Reference Item.
Worst Value means, in respect of a ST Valuation Date, the RI Value for the Reference Item(s) with the lowest or equal lowest RI Value for any Reference Item in the basket in respect of such ST Valuation Date. Reference Items: Amounts payable in respect of the Notes are linked to the performance of the following shares (each a "Reference Item(k)"):
Worst Value means, in respect of a ST Valuation Date, the RI Value for the Reference Item(s) with thelowest or equal lowest RI Value for any Reference Item in the Basket in respect of such ST Valuation Date. Fixed Rate Note Provisions Not Applicable Floating Rate and CMS Linked Note Provisions Equity Linked Note interest provisions: Inflation Linked Note interest provisions:Not Applicable Not Applicable Not ApplicableETF Linked Note interest provisions: Applicable – please refer to the sections "ProvisionsApplicable to ETF Linked Notes" below for more information Fund Linked Note interest provisions: Foreign Exchange (FX) Rate Linked Note interest provisions: EUA Contract Linked Note interest provisions: Reference Item Rate Linked Note interest provisionsNot Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not ApplicableZero Coupon Note provisions Not Applicable PROVISIONS RELATING TO REDEMPTION Call Option Not Applicable Put Option: Not Applicable Final Redemption Amount of each Note:Calculation Amount * Final Payout Final Payout: Redemption (viii) – Digital