Examples of Appropriation Ordinance in a sentence
The General Revenue Account records moneys raised or received for the purposes of the Government (except where provided otherwise in other Ordinances) and appropriations of expenditure in accordance with the Appropriation Ordinance and the Supplementary Appropriation Ordinance.
The revised budget then serves as the basis for the Annual Appropriation Ordinance.
The Certificate of Estimated Resources and the Annual Appropriation Ordinance are subject to amendment throughout the year with the legal restriction that appropriations cannot exceed estimated resources, as certified.
The major documents prepared are the Tax Budget, the Certificate of Estimated Resources, and the Annual Appropriation Ordinance, all of which are prepared on the budgetary basis of accounting.
The City agrees to provide any eligible employee covered by this Agreement with daily subsistence pay in accordance with the Annual Salary Appropriation Ordinance, Section 17.
The Budget and Appropriation Ordinance encompasses all previous reviews by the Board of Commissioners.
The preceding Emergency Appropriation Ordinance was then duly adopted.
This Appropriation Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval.
The Annual Appropriation Ordinance must be passed by April 1 of each year for the period January 1 to December31.
Debt service payments are included in the budget, but are excluded from the Appropriation Ordinance.