Examples of Approved practices in a sentence
This means that it must cancel with an opposite contribution coming from some other source.
Approved practices include: brush management (314), conservation cover (327), critical area planting (342), early successional development/management (647), forage harvest management (511), pasture and hay planting (312), prescribed burning (338), prescribed grazing (528A), tree/shrub establishment (612), upland wildlife habitat management (645), wetland enhancement (659), wetland restoration (657), wetland wildlife habitat management (644).b.
Approved practices not started, not under construction, or not complete by the applicable completion date (i.e. One or Two-Program Years) are to be canceled in order to reauthorize funds from canceled practice for other applicants.
To the extent County elects not to Approve any Supplier recommendation and inputs, Supplier shall continue to perform the Services using the County- provided or Approved practices, processes, tools, procedures, Changes, and Assets.
Approved practices during inclement weather will not be mandatory practices.Failure to Attend School● Any student with an unexcused absence on the day of a school-sponsored activity is not eligible to participate or compete in any extracurricular activity scheduled after school hours.
Approved practices shall include the following: (1) Site preparation for reforestation by natural or artificial means.
Approved practices may be deemed, for purposes of payment of cost-shares, to have been carried out during the 1957 program year if the county committee determines that they are substantially completed by the end of the program year.
Approved practices add to the set of options that local governments and others may use to achieve load reductions from developed lands.
Approved practices under contract with the Centering® Healthcare Institute (CHI) are eligible for program participation.
To the extent County elects not to Approve any Supplier recommendation and inputs, Supplier shall continue to perform the Services using the County‐provided or Approved practices, processes, tools, procedures, Changes, and Assets.