Examples of Forest practices in a sentence
Forest practices in the inner zone must be conducted in such a way as to meet or exceed stand requirements to achieve the goal in WAC 222-30-010(2).
Forest practices conducted under a Forest Practices Permit (Class I, II, III and IV-Special) from the Washington Department of Natural Resources shall not be regulated by this Program and shall not require a local shoreline permit.
Forest practices proposed on the lands owned or controlled by a landowner whose forest land ownership within the SOSEA is less than or equal to 500 acres and where the forest practice is not within 0.7 mile of a northern spotted owl site center shall not be considered to be on lands designated as critical habitat (state) for northern spotted owls.
Forest practices, as defined in Chapter 11, shall be consistent with the following policies and shall conform to the following regulations.
Forest practices not listed under Classes IV, I or II above are "Class III" forest practices.