Aquatic plant means a plant, including the roots, which typically floats on water or requires water for its entire structural support, or which will desiccate outside of water.
Aquatic life means all fish, reptiles, amphibians, crayfish, mussels, mollusks, and crustaceans.
Lot Frontage means the width of a lot between the side lot lines measured along a line parallel to and 7.5 metres distant from the front lot line;
Wildlife habitat means a surface water of the state used by plants and animals not considered as pathogens, vectors for pathogens or intermediate hosts for pathogens for humans or domesticated livestock and plants.
Wildland means an area where development is generally limited to roads, railroads, power lines, and widely scattered structures. Such land is not cultivated (i.e., the soil is disturbed less frequently than once in 10 years), is not fallow, and is not in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Conservation Reserve Program. The land may be neglected altogether or managed for such purposes as wood or forage production, wildlife, recreation, wetlands, or protective plant cover.
Birth center means a facility or institution, which is not an ambulatory surgical center or a hospital or in a hospital, in which births are planned to occur following a normal, uncomplicated, low-risk pregnancy.
Aquatic invasive species means any invasive, prohibited,
Youth center means any public or private facility that is primarily used to host recreational or social activities for minors, including, but not limited to, private youth membership organizations or clubs, social service teenage club facilities, video arcades, or similar amusement park facilities.
Disabled parking license plate means a license plate that displays the international symbol of access
townsite in relation to the townsite to be established near the harbour means a townsite (whether or not constituted and defined under section 10 of the Land Act) primarily to facilitate the Company’s operations in and near the harbour and for employees of the Company and in relation to the mining areas means such a townsite or townsites or any other townsite or townsites which is or are established by the Company for the purposes of its operations and employees on or near the mining areas in lieu of a townsite constituted and defined under section 10 of the Land Act;
Frontage means the length of the property line of any one lot parallel to and along each legally accessible public street;
Urban growth boundary means an acknowledged urban growth boundary contained in a
Wildfire means an unwanted wildland fire.
Water Surface Elevation (WSE means the height, in relation to NAVD 1988, of floods of various magnitudes and frequencies in the floodplains of riverine areas.
Study Centre means a centre established and maintained or recognized by the University for the purpose of advising, counselling or for rendering any other assistance required by the students in the context of distance education;
Ambulatory surgical center means any public or private State licensed and approved (whenever required by law) establishment with an organized medical staff of Physicians, with permanent facilities that are equipped and operated primarily for the purpose of performing Surgical Procedures, with continuous Physician services and registered professional nursing service whenever a patient is in the facility, and which does not provide service or other accommodations for patients to stay overnight.
Capitol hill complex means the grounds and buildings within the area bounded by 300 North Street, Columbus Street, 500 North Street, and East Capitol Boulevard in Salt Lake City.
Nonminor dependent means any individual age eighteen to twenty-one years who is participating in extended foster care services authorized under RCW 74.13.031.
Columbarium means a building or other aboveground structure that is affixed to land and is a permanent repository for cremated human remains.
Natural Boundary means the visible high water mark, or bankfull width, of any lake, river, stream or other body of water where the presence and action of the water are so common and usual, and so long continued in all ordinary years, as to mark on the soil of the bed of the body of water a character distinct from that of its banks, in vegetation, as well as in the nature of the soil itself;
Surface waters means water on the surface of the ground where water does not usually accumulate in ordinary watercourses, lakes, or ponds. This includes any waterborne objects.
Public park means an area of land for the enjoyment of the public, having facilities for rest and/or recreation, such as a base- ball diamond or basketball court, owned and/or managed by a city, county, state, federal government, or metropolitan park district. Pub- lic park does not include trails.
Historically Black Colleges or University , as used in this clause means an institution determined by the Secretary of Education to meet the requirements of 34 CFR Section 608.2. The term also includes any nonprofit research institution that was an integral part of such a college or university before November 14, 1986.
Coastal high hazard area means a Special Flood Hazard Area extending from offshore to the inland limit of a primary frontal dune along an open coast and any other area subject to high velocity wave action from storms or seismic sources. The area is designated on a FIRM, or other adopted flood map as determined in Article 3, Section B of this ordinance, as Zone VE.
Front Yard means a yard extending across the full width of a lot between the front lot line of the lot and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot;
Cropland means land used for the production of adapted crops for harvest, alone or in a rotation with grasses and legumes, and includes row crops, small grain crops, hay crops, nursery crops, orchard crops, and other similar specialty crops.