Public park definition
Examples of Public park in a sentence
Country club with private membership.-- Private recreation center, club, or area.-- Public park, playground, or golf course.
Public park landscape standards are applicable in all development Tiers and promote open views and vistas into natural landscapes, lakes, greenways, blueways, and open spaces for appreciation and benefit of the public.
Notwithstanding Paragraphs (1) and (2), the following main and accessory uses are permitted by right in the West and East Residential Subzones: -- Institution for special education (including the school for the visually impaired located on Office Parkway).-- Public or private school.-- Public park, playground, or golf course.-- Retirement housing.-- Private street or alley.
Play areas are not required to be preserved/maintained if any of the following conditions apply: Development contains only 1-bedroom or small dwelling units; Public park with play equipment is located within 1000 feet of the development (measured from the closest property line to the public park as straight line distance, not travel distance); or Preservation of such an amenity is not economically feasible or viable.
Public park land shall mean all land, water and property administered by or under the jurisdiction of the department.