Examples of Aquatic pest control in a sentence
Aquatic pest control activities also includes the soliciting, advertising, or making of sales proposals in any form for any services involving the use of pesticides or devices with the intent to prevent, destroy, repel, or otherwise mitigate any pest of publicly or privately owned waters, including ponds, lakes, oceans, rivers, streams, reservoirs, and impoundments, whether or not they are navigable, for compensation on the property of another.
Aquatic pest control including the application of pesticides to standing or running water, but excluding applica- tors who must be certified in the category of public health pest control.
Aquatic pest control" means the application of pesticides to standing or running water, for the control of undesirable vegetation or animals,excluding"vector control." but does not include uses covered by commercial pesticide-use category 10(D), as defined in paragraph (N)(10) of this rule.
Aquatic pest control programs help keep lakes and water- ways usable for swimming, boating, and fishing.Pesticides protect livestock and domestic animals from harmful and annoying pests.
Comparative issues between the EU and non-EU worlds are also highlighted.
Mr. Harrington states in obtaining an Aquatic pest control license, the applicant must know more than mosquito treatment; this makes it very difficult to obtain.
Th is c a t ego ry i n- cl u des co mm e r ci a l a pplic a t o r s u si n g o r s u pe r visi n g t h e u se of r es t r ic t ed u se pes t icides o n seeds.(5) Aquatic pest control.
Aquatic pest control training is scheduled for February, so field and lab employees can obtain LDAF certification as aquatic pest control applicators.
One way to achieve that balance is through targeted redactions of information that should not be disclosed.
One brand element that is not available to the DC Lottery is the ability to share and promote how lottery proceeds contribute to the District of Columbia.