Noise Control Measures definition
Examples of Noise Control Measures in a sentence
Noise Control Measures for DG sets:• DG sets will be installed in the basement to minimize the impact on ambient noise.• The DG sets will be equipped with acoustic enclosure to minimize noise generation and adequate stack height for proper dispersion.• Adequate exhaust mufflers will be provided as per norms to limit the noise.
The use of consultingfirms for the external audit of the annual performance assessments managed by the implementing agency rather than the executing agency ensured objectivity.
Under SOX, executives must attest that the data submitted was accurate and since this attestation carried the possibility of personal liability, compliance is serious business.
To ensure that construction noise is minimized to the extent feasible and to ensure that residences and the day care center are not exposed a substantial increase in noise levels, Mitigation Measure N-1 (Implement General Noise Control Measures) and Miti- gation Measure N-2 (Obtain Special Permit for Nighttime HDD Noise) would require additional controls and specifications for construction equipment and would establish a complaint and resolution process.
C onstruction Noise Control Measures and Noise Control Plan for Off-Site Receptors:M itigation Measure 7A.11-1.