Examples of ARC Chair in a sentence
Representative from the Georgia EPD• Discretionary appointees by the ARC Chair as allowed by the ARC bylaws.
Each ARC Chair and coordinator will review the records of deficient cadets and may make recommendations or directives to cadets.
Attendance and participation of these members in the Atlanta MPO is evaluated annually and adjusted by the ARC Chair as necessary.
All schools should have a travel plan and the Council should, if required, assist the schools with its formation.A School Travel Plan is a document which sets out the measures and initiatives an individual school will use to reduce car journeys and promote other ways of getting to school safely.
The A&RC Chair reports formally to the Board on the key matters considered at each A&RC and minutes of those meetings are circulated to the Board.
The A&RC meets separately with the external auditors to seek their views without management present, and the A&RC Chair keeps in touch with the Chief Financial Officer as well as other members of the management team and the lead audit partner periodically outside of formal meetings.
If this is not requested on the course revision form, and ARC considers the change substantive enough to merit a new course ID, the ARC Chair will contact the faculty member proposing the course and the convener.
Upon approval, the Provost notifies the ARC Chair and the Registrar.
Upon approval, you will receive a Resource Agreement from the ARC Chair.
Members of the public were encouraged to sign in and Manager Keuken explained that written comments will be received by the ARC Chair up to two days following the final public meeting.