Examples of Area Control Error in a sentence
The Area Control Error will be calculated by the CAISO Energy Management System.
To ensure Balancing Authorities confirm Interchange Schedules with Adjacent Balancing Authorities prior to implementing the schedules in their Area Control Error (ACE) equations.
The CAISO or EIM Entity operators will consider factors such as: load forecast discrepancies; Area Control Error adjustments; Variable Energy Resource deviations; resource outages not entered in the Outage Management System; generator testing; reliability curtailments due to transmission or equipment outages; weather changes; and pumping resource schedule changes.
Inputs to frequency management include Tie-Line Bias Control, Area Control Error (ACE), and the various Requirements in NERC Resource and Demand Balancing Standards, specifically BAL-001-2 Real Power Balancing Control Performance and BAL- 003-1 Frequency Response and Frequency Bias Setting.
The Company has aligned its current systems of internal financial control with the requirement of Companies Act 2013.
A Dynamic Schedule is a telemetered reading or value which is updated in Real-Time and which is used as a schedule in the CAISO Energy Management System calculation of Area Control Error and the integrated value of which is treated as a schedule for interchange accounting purposes.
Each Balancing Authority shall operate such that, on a rolling 12-month basis, the average of the clock-minute averages of the Balancing Authority’s Area Control Error (ACE) divided by 10B (B is the clock-minute average of the Balancing Authority Area’s Frequency Bias) times the corresponding clock-minute averages of the Interconnection’s Frequency Error is less than a specific limit.
Reporting ACE represents a Balancing Authority Area’s (“BAA”) Area Control Error (“ACE”) measured in megawatts (“MW”) as the difference between the BAAs Actual and Scheduled Net Interchange, plus its Frequency Bias Setting obligation and meter error corrections.2 Reporting ACE helps Responsible Entities provide reliable frequency control by indicating the current state of the entity’s contribution to Reliability.
Reliability Corp., Order No. 788, 145 FERC ¶ 61,147 (2013).control and reliability indicator – Reporting Area Control Error (“Reporting ACE”).
This standard establishes requirements for Balancing Authority Automatic Generation Control (AGC) necessary to calculate Area Control Error (ACE) and to routinely deploy the Regulating Reserve.