Examples of Inadvertent Energy in a sentence
The correction required for external Inadvertent Energy Accounting facilities on Interfaces between the NYCA and other Control Areas will be done using Inadvertent Energy Accounting techniques established by the ISO in accordance with NERC and other established reliability criteria.
Inadvertent Energy AccountAn account maintained by ERCOT to track any differences between the scheduled net interchange, and the actual net interchange at the DC Tie.
For each settlement interval, the total Inadvertent Energy Revenue for a settlement interval shall equal the sum of the Inadvertent Energy Revenue values for each External Node for that interval.
The ISO will then adjust Real-Time Loss Revenue to account for Inadvertent Energy Revenue, as calculated under Section III.3.2.1(o) and Emergency transactions as described under Section III.4.3(a).
The Inadvertent Energy Revenue Charges or Credits shall be equal to the Inadvertent Energy Revenue multiplied by the Market Participant’s pro rata share of the sum of all Market Participants’ Real-Time Load Obligations, Real-Time Generation Obligations, and Real-Time Demand Reduction Obligations over all Locations, measured as absolute values, excluding contributions to Real-Time Load Obligations and Real-Time Generation Obligations from Coordinated External Transactions.
Inadvertent Energy The difference between the ERCOT System actual metered value and the ERCOT System scheduled energy.
We expect that these effects would be small and difficult to measure.• Inadvertent Energy exchanges with other system operators (NY ISO, Hydro Quebec, and New Brunswick) are small and probably not affected by energy efficiency.• The Marginal Loss Revenue Fund returns to load the difference between marginal losses included in locational energy prices and the average losses actually experienced over the pool transmission facilities.
All Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility will also be delivered by the Transmitting Entity to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery.
Seller will design, construct, install, own, operate and maintain the Facility and any Seller-owned Interconnection Facilities so as to allow safe and reliable generation and delivery of Net Energy and Inadvertent Energy to the Transmitting Entity for the full term of the Agreement.
The Seller will arrange and pay for the delivery of Net Energy and Inadvertent Energy over the facilities of the Transmitting Entities (the Bonneville Power Administration (“BPA”) and the Raft River Rural Electric Cooperative (“Raft River”)) to the Point of Delivery.