Area of concern or “AOC” shall mean any area that has had a probable release of a hazardous waste or hazardous constituents and that is determined by the Department to pose a current or potential threat to human health or the environment.
Particular matter means any judicial or other proceeding, application, submission, request for a ruling or other determination, contract, claim, controversy, charge, accusation, arrest, decision, determination, finding, but excluding enactment of general legislation by the general court and petitions of cities, towns, counties and districts for special laws related to their governmental organizations, powers, duties, finances and property. G.L. c. 268A, § 1(k).
Small Diversity business concern means a small business concern that is a least (51) percent unconditionally owned by one or more individuals who are both socially and economically diverse, or a publicly owned business that has at least (51) percent of its stock unconditionally owned by one or more socially and economically diverse individuals and that has its management and daily business controlled by one or more such individuals. This term also means a small business concern that is at least (51) percent unconditionally owned by an economically diverse Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian Organization, or a publicly owned business that has least (51) percent of its stock unconditionally owned by one of these entities, that has its management and daily business controlled by members of an economically diverse Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian Organization.
Area of Mutual Interest or “AMI” shall mean an agreement between or among parties to a farm-out agreement or a joint operating agreement or other agreement by which the parties attempt to describe a geographical area within which they agree to share certain additional leases or other interests acquired by any of them in the future.
stratigraphic test well means a drilling effort, geologically directed, to obtain information pertaining to a specific geologic condition. Ordinarily, such wells are drilled without the intention of being completed for hydrocarbon production. They include wells for the purpose of core tests and all types of expendable holes related to hydrocarbon exploration. Stratigraphic test wells are classified as (i) "exploratory type" if not drilled into a proved property; or (ii) "development type", if drilled into a proved property. Development type stratigraphic wells are also referred to as "evaluation wells".
Numbering Plan Area (NPA) , also called area code, means the three (3)-digit code that occupies the A, B, C positions in the ten (10)-digit NANP format that applies throughout the NANP Area. NPAs are of the form NXX, where N represents the digits two (2) through nine (9) and X represents any digit zero (0) through nine (9). In the NANP, NPAs are classified as either geographic or non-geographic. Geographic NPAs are NPAs which correspond to discrete geographic areas within the NANP Area. Non-geographic NPAs are NPAs that do not correspond to discrete geographic areas, but which are instead assigned for services with attributes, functionalities, or requirements that transcend specific geographic boundaries. For example, NPAs in the N00 format, (e.g., 800, 900) are non-geographic.
Acre-foot – means the amount of water necessary to cover one acre of land one foot deep, or 325,851 gallons of water.
Very high radiation area means an area, accessible to individuals, in which radiation levels from radiation sources external to the body could result in an individual receiving an absorbed dose in excess of 5 Gy (500 rad) in one hour at one meter from a source of radiation or one meter from any surface that the radiation penetrates.
Numbering Plan Area (“NPA”) (sometimes referred to as an area code) is the three- digit indicator which is designated by the first three digits of each 10-digit telephone number within the NANP. Each NPA contains 800 possible NXX Codes. There are two general categories of NPA, “Geographic NPAs” and “Non-Geographic NPAs.” A “Geographic NPA” is associated with a defined geographic area, and all telephone numbers bearing such NPA are associated with services provided within that geographic area. A “Non-Geographic NPA,” also known as a “Service Access Code (SAC Code)” is typically associated with a specialized Telecommunications Service which may be provided across multiple geographic NPA areas; 500, 800, 900, 700, and 888 are examples of Non-Geographic NPAs.
Auricular acupuncture means the subcutaneous insertion of sterile, disposable acupuncture needles
Area of Interest means the area described in Part 2 of Exhibit A.
area of supply means any area within or partly within the area of jurisdiction of the municipality to which a water service is provided;
Deportation or forcible transfer of population means forced displacement of the persons concerned by expulsion or other coercive acts from the area in which they are lawfully present, without grounds permitted under international law;
Tract means 2 or more parcels that share a common property line and are under the same ownership.
Established geographic service area means a geographic area, as approved by the Commissioner and based on the carrier's certificate of authority to transact insurance in this state, within which the carrier is authorized to provide coverage;
Geographical Area means North America, Europe or Asia Pacific, as the case may be.
Small disadvantaged business concern means a small business concern that represents, as part of its offer that—
ILUA Area means the geographical area in relation to which the Framework ILUA applies, as specified in Schedule 2 of the Framework ILUA;
Inclusionary development means a development containing both affordable units and market rate units. This term includes, but is not necessarily limited to: new construction, the conversion of a non-residential structure to residential and the creation of new affordable units through the reconstruction of a vacant residential structure.
Target Population means persons with low incomes who have one or more disabilities, including mental illness, HIV or AIDS, substance abuse, or other chronic health condition, or individuals eligible for services provided pursuant to the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act (Division 4.5 (commencing with Section 4500) of the Welfare and Institutions Code) and may include, among other populations, adults, emancipated minors, families with children, elderly persons, young adults aging out of the foster care system, individuals exiting from institutional settings, veterans, and homeless people.
Square Footage means the total gross horizontal areas of all floors, including usable basement and cellars, below the roof and within the outer surface of the main walls of buildings (or the center lines of party walls separating such buildings or portions thereof) or within lines drawn parallel to and two feet within the roof line of any building or portion thereof without walls (which includes, notwithstanding paragraph 3 below, the square footage of all porches), and including pedestrian access walkways or corridors, but excluding the following:
High radiation area means an area, accessible to individuals, in which radiation levels from radiation sources external to the body could result in an individual receiving a dose equivalent in excess of one mSv (0.1 rem) in one hour at 30 centimeters from any source of radiation or 30 centimeters from any surface that the radiation penetrates.
Area of use means a portion of an address of use that has been set aside for the purpose of receiving, preparing, using, or storing radioactive material.
Modular building retailer means any person who purchases or acquires a modular building from a
Modular building means, but shall not be limited to, single and multifamily houses, apartment
Specified anatomical areas means and includes: