Examples of Recreational value in a sentence
Recreational value will be recognized when a river and its immediate environment possess a combination of river-related recreational opportunities and associated natural and/or cultural values that together provide capability for an outstanding recreational experience.
Recreational value Intact tropical mangroves - nurseries for fish, natural pollution filters and coastal defenses - are worth around$1,000 a hectare.
Recreational value of near-shore species for different regions in Florida.
Recreational value of healthy reefs for recreational divers as part of their cultural services by investigating “customer’s preferences” of the public by use of surveys to estimate reef’s esthetic services, seascape beauty and nautical activities (boating, snorkeling, diving, nature tourism; leisure, and recreational fishing).
C12 BiodiversityC17 Hunting/fishing C18 Recreational value>= 16 numbers forCPTs>= 56 numbers for CPTs>= 16 number for CPTs>= 10 numbers for CPTsSome of the links and variables generate more numbers for the conditional tables than others.
II.7. Recreational value of the environment: Multi-ac- tivity associated to agricultural systems and re- lated to leisure activities.Environmental objectives.
Recreational value is undoubtedly the most visible values of wilderness, since wilderness is a vital place for a lot of outdoor activities including hunting, packing, picnicking, canoeing, fishing and so on.
This followed the approach suggested in STAG and WebTAG and took into account factors including: • Water quality; • Fishery value; • Recreational value; • Conservation value; • Scale; • Rarity; and • Substitutability.
Recreational value is not widely appreciated and utilized yet but a CEPA program is aiming to promote the site.Habitats listed in the EU Habitats Directive 92/43 ЕЕС include: 1310 Salicornia and other annuals colonizing mud and sand, 2110 Embryonic shifting dunes, 2120 Shifting dunes along the shoreline with Ammophila arenaria ("white dunes"), 92D0 Southern riparian galleries and thickets Nerio-Tamaricetea and Securinegion tinctoriae, 1530 Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes.
Recreational value in The ‘areas of GCU’ is increasing due to demand and evolving cultural norms of the community, e.g. off leash dog parks, were never heard of 10-15 years ago, but are now highly desired by the community.