Arms Length Sales definition

Arms Length Sales means sales made freely in the open market, in freely convertible currencies, between willing and unrelated sellers and buyers and in which such buyers and sellers have no contractual or other relationship, directly or indirectly, or any common or joint interest as is reasonably likely to influence selling prices and shall, inter alia, exclude sales (whether direct or indirect, through brokers or otherwise) involving Affiliates, sales between Companies which are Parties to this Contract, sales between governments and government-owned entities, counter trades, restricted or distress sales, sales involving barter arrangements and generally any transactions motivated in whole or in part by considerations other than normal commercial practices.
Arms Length Sales means, for the purpose of this Contract, the sales of Petroleum carried out between buyer and seller parties, not being the same legal entity, following a transparent and competitive bidding process according to procedures as prescribed by Government.
Arms Length Sales means the sales as defined in the Rules.

Examples of Arms Length Sales in a sentence

  • The basis of valuation given in this Article for the purpose of Article 15,16 and 17 shall apply only where Government is of the view that sale prices realised by the Company(ies) are not consistent with the price realisable at Arms Length Sales.

  • The basis of valuation given in this Article for the purpose of Articles 20, 21 and 22 shall apply only where the Advisory Committee and the PRDS are of the view that sale prices realised by the Company(s) are not consistent with the price realisable at Arm's Length Sales and upon the Advisory Committee and the PRDS being of such a view they will give a notice confirming this view to the relevant Company(s).

  • While discovering the market price for Arms Length Sales, the Contractor has to ensure a fully transparent and competitive process for sale of CBM with the objective that the best possible price is realized, to the benefit of all parties to this Contract, without any restrictive commercial practices.

  • The basis of valuation given in this Article 20.4.1 shall apply only where the Government is of the view that the sale price realized by the Contractor or Members thereof are not consistent with the price realizable at Arms Length Sales.

  • The basis of valuation given in this Article for the purpose of Article 15, 16 and 17 shall apply only where Government is of the view that sale prices realised by the Company(ies) are not consistent with the price realisable at Arms Length Sales.

More Definitions of Arms Length Sales

Arms Length Sales means sales made freely in the open market, in freely convertible currencies, between willing and unrelated sellers and buyers and in which such buyers an sellers have no contractual or other relationship directly or indirectly, or any common or joint interest as is reasonably likely to influence selling prices and shall, inter alia, exclude sales (whether direct or indirect, through brokers or otherwise) involving Affiliates, sales between Companies which are Parties to this Contract, sales between governments and government-owned entities, counter trades, restricted or distress sales, sales involving barter arrangements and generally any transactions motivated in whole or in part by considerations other than normal commercial practices.”
Arms Length Sales. Associated Natural Gas” means sales of Hydrocarbons in freely convertible currencies between sellers and buyers having no direct or indirect relationship or common interest whatsoever with each other that could reasonably influence the sales price, excluding sales involving barter, sales from government to government and other transactions motivated in whole or in part by considerations other than the usual economic incentives involved in hydrocarbons sales on the international market. means Natural Gas which exists in a hydrocarbon reservoir in solution with Crude Oil or which is or could be produced in association with Crude Oil.
Arms Length Sales means sales on the international market in freely convertible currencies between willing and unrelated sellers and buyers, excluding sales between Affiliates, sales between governments or government owned entities, sales affected by other commercial relationships between seller and buyer, transactions involving barter, and more generally any transactions motivated by considerations other than the usual commercial incentives.
Arms Length Sales means sales of Petroleum in freely convertible currencies between sellers and buyers having no direct or indirect relationship or common interest whatsoever with each other that could reasonably influence the sales price, and shall, inter alia, exclude sales (whether direct or indirect, through brokers or otherwise) involving Affiliates, sales between companies which are Parties to this Agreement, sales between governments and government-owned „Prodaja između nepovezanih strana” znači prodaja Ugljikovodika za slobodne konvertibilne valute između prodavatelja i kupaca koji nisu ni u izravnom ni neizravnom odnosu, niti imaju zajednički interes koji bi opravdano mogao utjecati na prodajnu cijenu, a isključuje, među ostalim, prodaju (izravnu ili neizravnu, putem posrednika ili drukčije) u koju su uključena Povezana društva, prodaju među društvima koja xx Xxxxxx ovog Ugovora, prodaju između vlada i subjekata u državnom vlasništvu, vezanu trgovinu, ograničenu prodaju ili prodaju iz nužde, prodaju koja uključuje entities, counter trades, restricted or distress sales, sales involving barter arrangements and generally any transactions motivated in whole or in part by considerations other than normal commercial practices. dogovore o razmjeni i općenito bilo koje poslove koji su djelomično ili u potpunosti motivirani razlozima drukčijim od uobičajene trgovačke prakse.
Arms Length Sales means sales made freely in the open market, in freely convertible currencies, between willing and unrelated sellers and buyers and in which such buyers and sellers have no contractual or other relationship, directly or indirectly, or any common or joint interest as is reasonably likely to influence selling prices…..”
Arms Length Sales means sales of Petroleum in freely convertible currencies between sellers and buyers having no direct or indirect relationship or common interest whatsoever with each other that could reasonably influence the sales price, and shall, inter alia, exclude sales (whether direct or indirect, through brokers or otherwise) involving Affiliates, sales between companies which are Parties to this Agreement, sales between governments and government-owned entities, counter trades, restricted or distress sales, sales involving barter arrangements and generally any transactions motivated in whole or in part by considerations other than normal commercial practices.
Arms Length Sales means sales of Hydrocarbons in freely convertible currencies between sellers and buyers having no direct or indirect relationship or common interest whatsoever with each other that could reasonably influence the sales price.