Examples of Artificial lake in a sentence
On the Arno river main channel, the areas located nearby the weirs and the detention pond are mapped as the main sources of regulating WES while the Garzaia Artificial lake is main hotspot for supporting WES.
Figure 4.6. Artificial lake used as an artificial recharge basin In this study, the artificial recharge of groundwater in Central Kabul subbasin is applied to the study area during four months of March-June, in which the surplus streamflow from the Kabul River can be diverted to the artificial recharge basin to augment aquifers, Figure 4.7. During this four months, flow in the Kabul River composes nearly 80% of the total Kabul River flow of all year (Mack et al.
Following siltation by river sediments, which led to a loss of 61% of the Kerkini storage capacity, and an increase in the surface of irrigated land, it proved necessary to build a new, higher dam and a new dyke to the west.Hydrology: Artificial lake Kerkini is fed by the River Strymon, which is 256 km long, of which 122 km are within the Greek territory.
WATER GAMES AND SAILING IN THE LAKES OF TIRANAWater sports and/or other activities in the lakes of Kashar, Farka and the Tirana Artificial lake are entirely lacking despite earlier traditions of using the lakes.
Public/private parking area.f. Golf course.g. Driving range.h. Artificial lake - one and one-half (1 1/2) or more acres.C. A Location Improvement Permit is required if any structure is proposed to be erected, any excavation opened, or any material deposited in the floodplain.
Artificial lake developments such as Lake Camelot, Lake Sherwood, and Lake Arrowhead have radically increased the number of seasonal residents in the County.
Artificial lake is not obligatory but can be offered as part of the technological solution.84.
The total number of registered participants was 73, 45 men and 28 women (61-39%), with 19 students (25%).
Artificial lake created in GB due to melting glacier, PAKISTAN TODAY (2018), https://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/2018/07/19/another-attabad-artificial-lake-created-in-gb-due-to-melting-glacier/.
Artificial lake outlets often present challenging environmental and permitting issues.