Assembly Cabinet definition

Assembly Cabinet means the executive committee established under section 56(1) of the Act;
Assembly Cabinet means the committee of the Assembly established under section 56(1) of the Government of Wales Act 1998 (c. 38);

Examples of Assembly Cabinet in a sentence

  • Other privileges and immunities of the National Assembly, Cabinet members and members of the Assembly may be prescribed by national legislation.

  • Other special meetings may be called at the request of the University President or the Assembly Cabinet.

  • The Assembly Cabinet may call special Assembly meetings to consider constitutional amendments.

  • On the other hand, Telix supplies the TLX591-CDx kit to the nuclear pharmacy on consignment, and the nuclear pharmacy provides the 68Ga isotope from its 68Ge/68Ga generator and uses the Telix kit to produce labelled 68Ga-PSMA11 agent which it dispenses to the PET imaging facility.

  • The nominated representative shall not be a member of the Assembly Cabinet.

  • The Audit Committee shall consist of at least 7 and not more than 11 Members and be chaired by a member of a political group which is not represented in the Assembly Cabinet.

  • The Assembly Cabinet may meet in private or in public as it determines and shall determine its own procedure.

  • This includes any remunerated activity connected with any proceedings in the Assembly, a committee or sub-committee, the sponsoring of functions in the Assembly buildings and making representations to the Assembly Cabinet or any of its members.

  • A sub-committee shall contain at least one Member who represents a political group which is not represented in the Assembly Cabinet.

  • To note: No Legislation Committee Report is laid in respect of these Regulations, procedural requirements having been disapplied by the Assembly Cabinet under Standing Order 24.27 (i), (ii) and (iii).

Related to Assembly Cabinet

  • Assembly means an item forming a portion of a system or subsystem that—

  • Cabinet means the Cabinet for Health and Family Services;

  • Fabrication means making up data or results and recording or reporting them.

  • Boot camp means a short term secure or nonsecure juvenile residential facility with highly

  • Remanufacturing means the activity of overhauling, retrofitting, fabricating, or repairing a product or its component parts for ultimate sale at retail.

  • Interconnector means equipment used to link the electricity system of the State to electricity systems outside of the State;

  • Gasification means the substoichiometric oxidation or steam reformation of a substance to produce a gaseous mixture containing two or more of the following: (i) oxides of carbon; (ii) methane; and (iii) hydrogen;

  • WorkSafeBC means the Workers Compensation Board, a provincial Crown corporation created pursuant to the Workers Compensation Act (British Columbia);

  • Double check valve assembly means an assembly composed of two single, independently acting, check valves including tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the assembly and suitable connections for testing the water tightness of each check valve.

  • Loader means any type of off-road tractor with either tracks or rubber tires that uses a bucket on the end of movable arms to lift and move material; can be also referred to as a front-end loader, front loader, skid steer loader, backhoe, rubber- tired loader, or wheeled loader.

  • Tube housing assembly means the tube housing with tube installed. It includes high-voltage and/or filament transformers and other appropriate elements when such are contained within the tube housing.

  • Fiber means a glass strand or strands which is/are protected by a color coded buffer tube and which is/are used to transmit a communication signal along the glass strand in the form of pulses of light.

  • Heat input means the product (expressed in mmBtu/time) of the gross calorific value of the fuel (expressed in Btu/lb) and the fuel feed rate into the combustion device (expressed in mass of fuel/time) and does not include the heat derived from preheated combustion air, recirculated flue gases, or ex- haust from other sources.

  • Architectural coating means a coating applied to stationary structures and their appurtenances, to mobile homes, to pavements, or to curbs.

  • Fabricating means to make, build, create, produce, or assemble components or property to work in a new or different manner.

  • Raw Materials means all raw materials, supplies, components and packaging necessary to manufacture and ship the Product in accordance with the Specifications, as provided in Exhibit A, but not including the API.

  • generating station or “station” means any station for generating electricity, including any building and plant with step-up transformer, switch yard, switch-gear, cables or other appurtenant equipment, if any used for that purpose and the site thereof, a site intended to be used for a generating station, and any building used for housing the operating staff of a generating station, and where electricity is generated by water-power, includes penstocks, head and tail works, main and regulating reservoirs, dams and other hydraulic works, but does not in any case include any sub-station;

  • Antenna coating means a coating labeled and formulated exclusively for application to equipment and associated structural appurtenances that are used to receive or transmit electromagnetic signals.

  • General Assembly means the General Assembly of the United Nations.

  • Wastewater Treatment Works means an arrangement of devices and structures for treating wastewater, industrial wastes, and sludge. Sometimes used as synonymous with "waste treatment plant" or "wastewater treatment plant" or "pollution control plant".

  • Manufacturing means all activities related to the manufacture of a Compound, including planning, purchasing, manufacture, processing, compounding, storage, filling, packaging, waste disposal, labeling, leafleting, testing, quality assurance, sample retention, stability testing, release, dispatch and supply, as applicable.

  • Pretreatment coating means a coating which contains no more than 12% solids by weight, and at least 0.5% acid by weight, is used to provide surface etching, and is applied directly to metal surfaces to provide corrosion resistance, adhesion, and ease of stripping.

  • generating plant means the generating facility described in Schedule 1 as amended from time to time;

  • Cabinet radiography means industrial radiography conducted in an enclosure or cabinet shielded so that radiation levels at every location on the exterior meet the limitations specified in 641—40.26(136C).

  • voltage means the root-mean-square value of electrical potential between two conductors.

  • heat pump means a machine, a device or installation that transfers heat from natural surroundings such as air, water or ground to buildings or industrial applications by reversing the natural flow of heat such that it flows from a lower to a higher temperature. For reversible heat pumps, it may also move heat from the building to the natural surroundings;