Assessment Endpoints definition
Examples of Assessment Endpoints in a sentence
Chem-LTD in forskolin (95% ± 3% of baseline at 60 min post-NMDA, n = 6) is significantly less than control (82% ± 3% of baseline, n = 7, p < 0.01).
Determine the Assessment Endpoint: Next, the risk assessors must determine one or more Assessment Endpoints appropriate to the Operational Goal.
Measurement endpoints are frequently numerical expressions of observations (e.g., toxicity test results, community diversity measures) that can be compared statistically to a control or reference site to HIGHLIGHT 4-1Importance of Distinguishing Measurement from Assessment Endpoints If a measurement endpoint is mistaken for an assessment endpoint, the misperception can arise that Superfund is basing a remediation on an arbitrary or esoteric justification.
An assessment endpoint is defined in Guidelines for Ecological Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1998a) as “an explicit expression of the environmental value to be protected, operationally defined as an ecological entity and its attributes.” An ecological entity for example, might be an Management Goals Planning Assessment Endpoints Analysis and Risk Characterization Risk Estimates for Each Endpoint Problem Formulation GEAEsFigure 1-1.
U.S. EPA 1996, ECO Update, Ecological Significance and Selection of Candidate Assessment Endpoints, and U.S. EPA 1997, Ecological Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund: Process for Designing and Conducting Ecological Risk Assessments, should also be reviewed before and during the selection of receptors to represent the various assessment endpoints chosen for the site.
AE) Identify Candidate Assessment Endpoints (Task 12)Specific assessment endpoints are to be listed in the Level II report given the complete exposure pathways and receptors identified in Task 9.
ADEC resources include: Ecoscoping Guidance (ADEC, 2014); User’s Guide for Selection and Application of Default Assessment Endpoints and Indicator Species in Alaskan Ecoregions (ADEC, 1999a); Technical Background Document for Selection and Application of Default Assessment Endpoints and Indicator Species in Alaskan Ecoregions with figures and tables updated in September of 2008 (ADEC, 1999b).
Where appropriate, receptors were also selected from the User’s Guide for Selection and Application of Default Assessment Endpoints and Indicator Species in Alaskan Ecoregions (DEC, no date).
Assessment Endpoints Assessment endpoints represent the actual environmental value that is to be protected, defined by an ecological entity (species, community, or other entity) and its attribute or characteristics (EPA 1998).
User’s Guide for Selection and Application of Default Assessment Endpoints and Indicator Species in Alaskan Ecoregions.