Examples of Asset Swap Counterparty in a sentence
If the Asset Swap Counterparty defaults or becomes unable to perform due to insolvency or otherwise, the Issuer may not receive payments it would otherwise be entitled to from the Asset Swap Counterparty to cover its foreign exchange exposure.
The Issuer will depend upon the Asset Swap Counterparty to perform its obligations under any hedges.
In addition, the ability of the Issuer to enter into Asset Swap Transactions upon the acquisition of Non-Euro Obligations will depend upon a number of factors outside the control of the Investment Manager, including its ability to identify a suitable Asset Swap Counterparty with whom the Issuer may enter into Asset Swap Transactions.
In addition, the ability of the Issuer to enter into Asset Swap Transactions upon the acquisition of Non-Euro Obligations will depend upon a number of factors outside the control of the Collateral Manager, including its ability to identify a suitable Asset Swap Counterparty with whom the Issuer may enter into Asset Swap Transactions.
If an Asset Swap Counterparty defaults or becomes unable to perform due to insolvency or otherwise, the Issuer may not receive payments it would otherwise be entitled to from such Counterparty to cover its foreign exchange exposure.