Examples of Assigned Certifier in a sentence
Apart from the Assigned Certifier and Design Certifier there is likely to be a range of certifiers on most projects, including certifiers appointed by the Building Owner, by his design team and/or by the Builder.
Unless a fully signed copy of this Letter and all Related Documents is received by Bank within 30 days, this offer to extend credit will expire.
To oversee and contribute to the care, safety, welfare and supervision of children during the lunch times, in the playground, dining and other areas, ensuring that the whole lunchtime experience is as positive as possible for all children.
Inspection staff should be briefed by their employer and, where necessary, by the Assigned Certifier on the Design lodged to the Building Control Authority and on appropriate inspections and tests to carry out.
The person responsible for the particular inspection, e.g. the Assigned Certifier or the Ancillary Certifiers, should check that the matter raised has been resolved satisfactorily.
Key documents in this regard are the written undertakings, on statutory forms, to the Building Control Authority to appoint a competent Assigned Certifier and a competent Builder.
They also provide the necessary Ancillary Certificates to the Assigned Certifier.
The Assigned Certifier should make available an Inspection Plan including the Inspection Notification Framework (INF), taking account of the complexity of the project and other factors.
The Assigned Certifier and Ancillary Certifiers should consider and identify the need for such tests at the earliest possible stage and as far in advance as possible.
Staff & /or BOD members are in each casting session to provide support to the AT.