Assistant Superintendent of Business definition
Examples of Assistant Superintendent of Business in a sentence
The written decision of the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services or the Hearing Officer shall be rendered within fifteen (15) calendar days and shall state the basis for the decision.
The District’s Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, or designee, shall decide the dispute, reduce the decision to writing, and deliver a copy to the parties, the Contract Managers, and the District’s Contract Administrator.
In the event the Assistant Superintendent of Business Affairs/CFO/CSBO does not designate such a person, all communication should be directed to the Assistant Superintendent of Business Affairs/CFO/CSBO.
The Assistant Superintendent of Business Affairs/CFO/CSBO may designate a person or persons on staff in the District to be responsible for direct communication between the District and the Contractor.
The committee may request funds for equipment, materials, additional supervisory aide support, or other projects to alleviate potentially dangerous or unsafe conditions at a worksite.Application for use of these funds shall be directed to the Assistant Superintendent of Business and Support Services.
Any dispute that cannot be resolved informally shall be reduced to writing and delivered to the District’s Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, or designee.
The Assistant Superintendent of Business Services or their designee shall review the decision on the bid protest from the Director of Nutrition Services and issue a written response to the appeal, or if appropriate, appoint a Hearing Office to conduct a hearing and issue a written decision.
If the protesting Proposer or the apparent low Proposer is not satisfied with the decision, the matter may be appealed to the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services or their designee, within three(3) business days after receipt of the District's written decision on the bid protest.
If the protesting bidder or the apparent low bidder is not satisfied with the decision, the matter may be appealed to the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, or his or her designee, within three (3) business days after receipt of the District's written decision on the bid protest.
Fund balance may be assigned by the Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services.