Examples of Associate Member A in a sentence
Associate Member A person, who has retired from West Mercia Police,retired employee of the West Mercia Police Federation Branch or of a Police Charity connected to West Mercia, retired Police staff employed by West Mercia with at least 3 years Bluline membership less than 80 years of age.
Associate Member: A Non-Flyer, who is interested in the activities of the club, and has voting rights.
Associate Member: A person who expresses an interest in the field of forensic science, and supports the concepts of forensic nursing but is not an RN.
A Professional Member has full voting privileges. Associate Member: A candidate for Associate Member shall be a person of integrity who, while not possessing the academic or technical experience required of a Professional Member, is professionally active in fields that are sufficiently related to the advancement of materials science and engineering and its affiliated industries.
Associate Member A person, who has retired from the Police, the ChiefConstable, retired Police Staff employed (or contracted to) the Chief Constable and retired employees of the Police Federation Branch s or of a Police Charity, with at least 3 years Bluline membership less than 80 years of age.
A Member has full voting privileges.• Associate Member: A candidate for Associate Member shall be a person of integrity who, while not possessing the academic or technical experience required of a Professional Member, is professionally active in fields that are sufficiently related to the advancement of materials science and engineering and its affiliated industries.
A Member has full voting privileges.• Associate Member: A candidate for Associate Member shall be a person of integrity who, while not possessing the academic or technical experience required of a Professional Member, is professionally active in fields that are sufficiently related to the advancement of materials science and engineeringand its affiliated industries.
Associate Member: A physician with special interest in the care of children.
Associate Member: A person interested in active participation to affect the purpose of the Association may apply to the Board for membership in the Association and on acceptance by the Board shall be a member.
Reference~ Associate Member: A classification of membership that has all the rights and privileges afforded to them by the Association except the right of voting or to hold office.